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Random song of the week -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pe7lTIR394

Genre -I need to stop listing genre, idk what genre most shit is.

Okay so the good news is that for the last girl I worked out what I was doing and it is going to be the best of the sections. The bad news is that it's about 15 mintues longer than I was hoping and I don't have time to fully flesh it out. I need to have it out this month afterall...

Which leads onto the title.

There are going to be....four versions of this video. Each with its own release.

1: Last girl reduced version, has prinz. Will be available day one and only open to $12 and higher.

2: Last girl reduced version, no prinz. $5 gets 2 days after version 1 and $2 two days after that. 

3: Full version with prinz! As soon as it's done. It'll be about 2 days after initial release. Only $12 tier.

$: Full version but no prinz. (Is that a full version?). $5 two days after version 3, $2 two days after that, public two days after that.

It probably looks more complicated than it is tbh. 

Now you might be wondering "Do I watch the reduced version?" The answer is yes.

There's 6 girls and only one is affected. You can fully enjoy the other 5 while waiting and not seeing the affected part. 

Aside from that. even the reduced section should still be very good as I'm making some adaptations to make it fit better in the shorter time. This is obviously adding more total work for me that most won't see, buuut like I said. Some acceptable form of this video needs to be out this month.


Just a reminder that you have two days left! There's some biiiig movment this month, which is expected with the amount of funds that can be transferred. Reminder, you can see a full list of fundable videos over at



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