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It's another month, so that means a bigger update. This one goes even further beyond though. 

Okay so where to begin.

The poll I posted in discord

For those not in the server, I posted a quick poll about voice actor language preference for my upcoming game. (Between eng/jp)

199 said either is fine.

124 said only english.

58 said only JP

52 said english pref

39 JP pref

22 don't care about voice acting at all apparently.

I have to say I am disgusted and am surrounded by fake weebs. However, English voice acting is a looot less work so ayyy. (More on that right below)

Imouto vid

Doing it in Japanese is too much effort (read: money. God it's expensive). But while looking for VAs for the upcoming hit game I'm making, I actually found somebody that seems very easy to work with and reasonable prices aaand a good voice. I have given them the project as of today and she says she can get it to me within a week...so this could actually be happening very soon! (As a reminder though, this will still be a vault video and not released publicly for 3 months)

My next vid

Outside of imouto vid,  the next vid on the backlog iiiiis the St. Louis has fun with a richer man video. For those who don't know, this video is going to get two versions. The public free version will be in the perspective of the not rich guy and fiance of St. Louis. The rich guy perspective requires you to give me money! (Immersion baby). 

I had this idea before the vault even existed so it leaves me in a weird spot. I did say it'd be for those who either funded it $15 or more, or paid that much upon release. I'm currently considering $12 only in patreon forever as the way to access it. Mind isn't made up yet though.


The site is borked again. Misaka won and the bottom 4 all died. I will be messaging people who funded the dead videos over the next day or so to transfer funds. 

But I want to take this time to go over the remaining videos. We are 8 months through the 12 (actually 13) of this crowdfunding system. Only five more videos will get added. I want to highlight though that any video can make it still. With these videos getting eliminated, a loot of funds will be transferred.

With that in mind, I'm going to give an objective view on the chances of videos getting funded with the way things are going. Things can absolutely change though.

Almost guaranteed

Fate - shishou/jeanne and saber + Living with dragon girls

Both of these have a big lead on competition and are still getting reasonable funding each month. For these to finish outside the top 5 would be crazy.




These two aren't in the same level as the above, but both have good current funding and more money is still being pumped into them consistently.

High funding but stalled

Fluffy tails + Grima + Mordred + aoi asahina + ryza

All of these are over the 100% mark, but in recent times have received no or very little funding. If things carry on the way they are, none will finish top 5.

I'm accelerating

DMG + UMP 45/9 

Both have been behind for a long time but catching up. Will overtake the stalled ones soon.

Pls help me

Senjougahara/Hanekawa + Studying with Makoto + Reines footjob + Blackmailing Misaki

All of these have been constantly funded, typically by the same one person every month. But neither has enough momentum to break into top 5 as things go.

Everything else

Will need a dramatic change in funding to make it. But crazier things have happened.

So, a reminder to use your funding if you have it. 

Remember, don't be afraid to fund lower things. If it's eliminated you can transfer your funding anyway. And you funding it can help get it more attention and more funding from others. And if all else fails, you can drop $700 to fund it 


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