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Heyhey, another week has passed that you will never get back! I have hit 10 million views (again) and this time the celebration is actually happening! There's two parts to this, the simple reward and the bad idea.

Firstly, for the whole month of February, all annual memberships have an additional 10% off. So instead of the usual 5% you get 15% off! Wow, that's almost two free months! Such value.

Secondly, this is going to be a bad idea but fuck it. I've decided I'm going to invest in a mascot character for my videos and act as a logo. As this has grown it's reached the point where just using BB is starting to feel a bit unprofessional. So, I figured...why not let my fans decide the design. I am working out the exact way I want to do this, but I will be opening votes and patreon supporters get to vote on different aspects such as name/hair colour/breast size/personality. 

About the butt vid

Just want to put out a small apology as I said it'd be out the day after the announcement but it took three days. The first day after I literally sat down, turned on the blocker and tried to work and made fuck all progress in terms of writing. Figured it was just a bad day for writing, did all the technical stuff I could such as panning etc and figured I'd get it done next day. Unfortunately I may have drank a touch too much and missed that next day totally (Sober since though). On the third day it was easy to wrap up and finish, although still pretty time consuming.

Either way, I believe the end product was worth the wait.

Video progress + video schedule

I am working on the Hilda video at the moment which I skipped over before. I've got a great idea for some narrative genius to rival the likes of TLOU. 

I have a few video ideas I really want to make that are not on my backlog list, but I've decided I'm 100% focused on clearing backlog until it's less than five videos. I am using my own crowdfunding capitalism system to hire people to clear another two of the videos for me to speed that up a bit.

So, barring anything going wrong the schedule is.

Next: Hilda, then I'll finally get around to the Imouto voiced vid. I'll also explain why it's taken me so long to do this once I start the work on it. I have a very valid reason here...but on the plus side it won't take long to make at all. After that the two next videos are DDLC and St Louis. DDLC will be very...experimental and be completed on the side over time. 

Other creators: Rosalina and Roon will both be done within the next month or so.

There's still obviously a sizeable queue to get through, but I am committed to doing it as soon as possible now. Up until very recently I'd only been tracking how many videos had been in the backlog, not how long some had been there...and well, it's been unacceptable.

Crowdfunding update

Good news, the site is fixed so go check it out at https://crowdfund.waifujoi.app/

But nothing has changed really from last week. Kasumi has about a $90 lead at the top...we've seen bigger comebacks before.



What comeback, I want Kasumi to win lol.