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The third rule of the secret project: You get feedback before going all in.

Hello everyone. I'm kinda excited and for the first time in ages...quite nervous about what I'm bringing to you today.

Over the past while I've been designing a game....and another game....and another game...and well, 5 games in total.

But only one is being produced right now. I figured, let's start simple. Let's make a game that is about JOI/fap hero.

In this game, you take the role of a hero, destined to slay the evil succubus queen that is terrorising the area...but honestly, you just want to fuck her. But to make it there, you need to make it past all the other monstergirls! The power of the succubus queen means that every girl you meet can enchant you for a short time. And if they make you cum, you fall for them forever.

This game will be a roguelike. There will be about 20 encounters, and each run will consist of about 7 (These numbers are totally up in the air still).

Anyway, as I said, I am looking for feedback. I actually have a tutorial level, but the voice acting is not done yet...so I am going to explain the concepts real quick in tldr form.

About the game.

Watch this video for the basics!


Anybody remember cajoi-chan (temporary name)? Well, she's the main girl in this game! She has a few changes...like hair and eye colour, it almost looks slightly more like BB for some reason....

But to go into a bit more detail about the game.

Before the game starts, you can set up your likes and dislikes. This will change some dialogue and change the difficulty in resisting certain things/girls. This is demonstrated in the video, but you fail every roll anyway.

The resist rolls will be a d10, and you need to match the target score. There will be a limited resource to boost your rolls and give players more agency.

Critical rolls end your run if failed. Using the previously mentioned limited resource can guarantee you avoid failing critical rolls.

First encounter - Tsundeer

Before watching, please remember that this is one small part of a fap hero. If you stroke at the suggested beat, you will probably struggle to finish.

There's also temporary custom exclusivity on this video. It's taking a lot of time from my schedule so I need to make something for patrons. Release dates are as follows.

Exclusive tier - Day 1

Tier 2 - Day 8

Tier 1 - Day 15

Public - Day 22

With that said, here's the link!


Feedback pls

Feedback is the main reason I am doing this. So please give your honest feedback here.

I say honest because I mean it. I want to improve this work to be as good as possible. The form is pretty short multiple choice, except for the box for "other feedback". Here you can write a whole essay on the video and the project as a whole and I will read every single word you all write.

Before you leave feedback though, there are a few thinfgs I already know.

1: There needs to be a few more expressions added.

2: The penis placement is wayyyy off.

3: It probably needs some sort of beatbar off at the side to keep track of stroking. Maybe. Not sure.



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