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Hello, guys! thanks for being here once again. I'd like to tell you about some things I've been thinking about of how can I give you a better service :)

-In order to give you a better service, I think that it would be better if I group all the skethes and doodles I do in a single post, maybe weekly. That way there will be less notifications of every sketch and you'll get a group of sketches every certain time.

-Starting this month I'll start offering the free monthly commission for those patrons whose tiers apply (I'm really excited about this one).

-I'm thinking on opening a Discord, but I'd like to know if that is something you guys like, and of course I'll find someone that can help me with all the creation and management of this server.

Please let me know what do you guys think about this! Also, I'd love to know if you have some ideas o would like me to draw some style in particular, what kind of scenes, etc.

P.S.: I'm working a bit slower these days, but I'll try to get a better rhythm than these past months :) Hope you guys like it. Thanks for reading!



Like the sound of these ideas!