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Hey guys, now that I'm most likely about 3-4 weeks away from being 100% caught up from my injury backlog comms (FINALLY gvkhlbjhxyutc), I wanted to announce my intentions going forward, so here's the plan!

Patreon upload window: in an effort to be a bit more consistent about when you can expect to see new posts from me here, I'm designating the weekend (Fri-Sun) as my official uploading time for art. I think this will make me globally less stressed and give you guys something to depend on! 

What you can expect in general!

-Colored sketches and finished artwork will tend to fall either the 4th week of the current month or the 1st week of the following month.

-The middle of the month will often contain sketches, WIPs, and character polls.

These rules aren't absolutely written in stone but I do want them to be dependable enough that I'll make announcements if things will be delayed for whatever reason. Also, non-art admin posts or polls will not be subject to the upload window.

Experimental Colored Sketch comms ($5+ patron exclusive):

This idea has been on my mind for a while, and I think you guys will enjoy it a lot! I want to offer colored sketch comms at somewhat of a big discount compared to my regular comm prices; I've set up a Discord channel to give you guys an idea of the kind of thing I'll be offering. I've also made a commission form that you'll find conveniently in that channel as well.

You'll find all the relevant information in the #coloredsketch channel of my Discord!

That's all for now good boyes, and I hope you're as excited as I am for the future of this  Patreon and my art in general <3


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