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Well this seems to have become a standard the last few months, but the first couple weeks of August will be filled with sketches and the rest of the month I'll have some paintings to post. I have a couple things planned for this month that'll be exciting hopefully! 

One, I'm  gonna try a new thing with the Pinup of the Month and include YCH slots for $10+ patrons. I've got some ideas for scenarios already but we'll see what I end up with.

Two, I'll be uploading some roughs for Totally Not Gay again finally. I've got a good start on the next page and I think you guys will like it! This might get pushed into September though and will remain a lower priority than finishing illustrations until my commission queue is cleared. It is being worked on though and I'm not abandoning Mizuki!

Commission status:

3 sketches to refine, but almost finished

4 paintings to finish, but all sketched!

So I'm finally in the last stages of catching up from my wrist injury and after that we'll see what happens.

And finally, THANK YOU all so much for sticking with me. I've had this wrist injury since October last year, and over the past month it's finally starting to show signs of actually going back to normal, which is a first. It still bothers me from time to time and some individual days are weirdly bad, but I'd say a majority of the time I'm able to draw at least somewhat comfortably. I don't think this will be gone for several more months at the rate it's healing, but at least I'm still progressing forward rather than back, and that's a really good thing.

See you all soon with sketches!


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