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Hey guys, will be posting this sexy boyo the 5th or 6th of January, followed up soon after by January's character contest and the comic page. Thank you guys so much for the huge turnout on those votes by the way - it's so exciting to see such a variety of interest in characters to win as well. I'm gonna have to add another row to my sheet for even more challengers in the future.

For now enjoy some Wolf tailhole before we get this all wrapped up.

Happy New Year's everyone, and here's to a year filled with delicious butts and buff boysss <3




Now better title then wolfbutt💜 fluffybacksack wouldve had me running here as well😁

Asher Tail

Lovely brush strokes :3 what a way to end the year hehe. Happy New Year!

Monkeyspirit (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 21:32:37 Thanks a lot Asher - yea this pic's gonna be a fun way to end the last year and start the new one &lt;3. I'm having a lot of fun with it!
2020-01-01 00:27:11 Thanks a lot Asher - yea this pic's gonna be a fun way to end the last year and start the new one <3. I'm having a lot of fun with it!

Thanks a lot Asher - yea this pic's gonna be a fun way to end the last year and start the new one <3. I'm having a lot of fun with it!


Oh yeah, definately a top. But with a butt like that its hard to resist