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Hi guys - I'm going to try something a little bit different going forward. Instead of doing 4 or 5 sketches per character contest, I'm gonna shoot for 2 or 3 sketches that I think are the best of 5 or so, and I'll do some quick flats like this, so the sketches kind of stand on their own a bit more as images.

Going forward I want to emphasize quality over quantity, but I still want to push out a solid amount of work here on Patreon especially. So here's my first of two Haida sketches, and I'll be back with the next one to vote on when I have the time!

I. Love. This. Yeeeeen <3.

See you all soon and enjoy this blushy boy!




He is super adorable. And I love the blushing expression on him

Monkeyspirit (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 20:12:13 Whoa hello there Tyler! Thanks a bunch :D. Super proud of this sketch so that's great to hear, and welcome to the Patreon. Will be ramping up mostly starting in May but I'll have the normal pinup of the month finished at the end of April for this yeen &lt;3
2019-04-10 23:42:22 Whoa hello there Tyler! Thanks a bunch :D. Super proud of this sketch so that's great to hear, and welcome to the Patreon. Will be ramping up mostly starting in May but I'll have the normal pinup of the month finished at the end of April for this yeen <3

Whoa hello there Tyler! Thanks a bunch :D. Super proud of this sketch so that's great to hear, and welcome to the Patreon. Will be ramping up mostly starting in May but I'll have the normal pinup of the month finished at the end of April for this yeen <3


I guess Retsuko isn't the only one he has a soft spot for! Cant wait to see the other 2 poses!