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Hi guys! Here's the vote for the next one. I hope you'll continue to enjoy these as much as I have been. I'm trying to think of what to do with these as my output increases, but I'm thinking of keeping the pinup of the month as a constant thing on my Patreon while just adding other features on top of it.

I still have the comic with Mizuki in planning stages, more guides that I'm thinking of creating for you guys, and more things as I think of what to add! 

Thanks for being awesome so far, and looking forward to this vote. It's crazy how varied the interest has been here, but I'm happy there's so much diversity in interest because that hopefully means they're fun choices xD

See you all soon




Put me down for Karu, please :)


Tossing in another vote for Bodi because he’s too damn cute lol


He's definitely one of the most adorable furry character I've seen in a while lol. He'll be super fun to work on!