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I'll be returning to "regularly scheduled" Patreon things again finally. My plans for the rest of this week and this upcoming weekend are:
-Phyerphox sketchbook doodle
-Finish Flip bunny sketch
-Finish NecroFelix sketch
-Paint Nicky boy
-Create next Patreon vote
-Special December project!

I wanted to thank you all again for being patient while I did another art class. It was well worth it but I still kind of regret it a bit for not bring able to work more on the Patreon meanwhile. Hopefully having taken it means I'll be able to produce higher quality work in the future though, so cheers to that!

My teacher had some really excellent suggestions for this pic so I'll have to edit it again when I have time for the comparison.




Definitely doesn't. I'll explain this pic at some point in the future with some more context