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Hi everyone, Ajani's a bit late this time, but I hope you'll enjoy! I'm trying to employ some different techniques with drawing both compositionally and with color and light.

I haven't really said anything because I've been so busy, but straight after my color and light class (I thought I'd be finished with art school for a bit!), I enrolled in a composition course as well. Soooo I didn't really get to ramp up posting to my patreon a lot lot yet, but as of now, I've got 4 weeks remaining of this class, and I'm 100% sure that I'm not taking another one for a while, both so I can contribute more here and for my sanity too =p.

Will still be doing a guide explaining my decision-making on this one - why I chose to redraw parts of it, resize things even in the middle of painting etc. Hopefully that'll be a bit fun for you all to see and maybe give you more of a view into how artists work through problems while we work!

Planning on having next month's vote very soon for a new character to draw. I'll try to keep playing around with composition and maybe try some poses I've never done before just to add some excitement to the mix. See you all soon <3




Good luck with the class! I hope its a breeze for you!


Thanks a lot Wolf! It's actually even harder than Color and Light was zzzzz.. I'm learning a lot but I'm definitely gonna have to rewatch things to fully grasp it. I'm looking forward to being finished with it in a month or so, that's for sure. I feel like I'll have a really strong foundation to continue to build my art from!