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Hi everyone. Thanks for the great first month of the character contest last time. I'm happy with the result and it was super fun to work on - let's keep it rolling! Vote for your favorites, and I'll close the contest with an updated leaderboard.

The rules are simple - 

1) Each month, a character will be chosen from your votes and I'll do some sketches for him, and there'll be another vote after to chose the pose.

2) Points will continue to rollover into following months! Thanks to my patron Fraxul for pointing out that that's a good/fun way to do these kinds of contests. That assures that if there's a character you really really want to see and you vote for him each month, eventually he'll get drawn.

If a character seems to never get any votes over several months (poor guy!) - he'll be removed and replaced with another.

Lastly, if you have any suggestions for characters, always feel free to say something like "I'd like to see blah blah from you know, that thing!" and I'll add him (or her) to the giant pool of characters. As my Patreon grows, I'll add four more characters at a time until there's a healthy number of choices (I'm thinking 12-16 might be a good maximum number though).

Please just vote here by saying the character's name and I'll tally up the votes at the end!

Contest ends at this time:https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180530T20&p0=234&msg=June+Character+Contest+ends+Wednesday+8%3A00pm+PST&font=sanserif



