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Mizu's heart must be exploding right now! Let's see how he feels when Milo works his magic~

I'll be posting the next page draft sometime before the end of the month, and working on the KWP pic to upload as soon as I can. Lost a good 5 days of work due to sickness and I'm still not 100% yet, but hopefully back to normalish soon.



Razor The Wolf

Hope you feel better soon! This comic is absolutely amazing! I’m loving every page! I wish I could be Mizuk right about now

Xehnort Kawasaki

Take your time to recover. Love this comic! Your health is more important. Amazing work this page the distortion look from Mizuk eyes from panel one.


Starting to feel pretty normal now! Should be back at it full steam soon. And thanks a lot dude <3


Thanks a lot! I know I keep saying this, but this is definitely my favorite page of the comic so far xD