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Hello Hypno Permanence Fans!

I sent out mp3 files and extra file, suggested by someone from this tier: a guided messing file! If you want me to create more files like this, "guided" messing or wetting, let me know. 

And of course, share your suggestions and ideas any time!

The file is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyfeJc3we9t_kqTOnFjh6o3ObEe9m7gb/view?usp=sharing 



Lee Goodman

Loving the guided messing file 🥰 please Mommy make some more like this, maybe even a combo messing & wetting 🤭


I really love the guided messing file. It's purrrrfect. I'd love to hear more like it. I'd second the wetting and messing at the same time idea. too.


Both the YouTube and the longer version from gumroad from the subliminal messing file and this one work surprisingly well. I really like this subgenre of hypnosis, because it doesn't feel innate. Without hypnosis the urge to indulge in this behaviour disappears over time, but while under it really feels like loss of control since you get pushed so far out of the comfort zone. For suggestions I also like trigger building type series. But they are harder to set up. It's like 2 to 4 files that compliment each other. Like a file that works with triggers to encapsulate thoughts or preform an action when qued. In this case the "don't worry about it" line makes a couple returns in the subliminal files and it feels very effective. This could be a personal thing, but if I had a hypnosis file dedicated to that phrasing as a trigger "don't worry about it" the file can hit lot harder. On the other hand subtely bringing them up as file comes along can be just as effective sometime, depending on preference.


Not sure it is my thing, but under Mommy’s control I will obey and try if commanded.

Serazene S

I recently found you via the subliminal YT file which is amazing (and I love the longer version on your shop). Looks like I missed this guided file by a month, is it available for sale? It sounds right up my alley.


I finally got a chance to listen to this file and adored it. I love all of the positive feedback and reassurances. I would love to hear more with additional dialogue about how proud you are and how good it is that we listened to your instructions.