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Hello Hypo Fans 

This week, you'll wet yourself outside in the great outdoors. It's the perfect time of year to do it. You can do it at a beach, or at a park, or anywhere really! Pick a place where your puddle will not be obvious - like peeing on sand or over the grass. 

You can pee your diaper, or your clothes - this is up to you. Bring a change of clothes, or something you can wear that will hide your accident. 

Go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Go somewhere where you will feel relaxed, like an area with trees and bushes. 

When you feel the urge to pee, just stretch your arms and start peeing. Pee yourself completely, enjoy the great outdoors. The great thing about being outside is that the ground will soak up your puddle. No one will know that you've just had an accident. 

Then quickly change into something else. You can tied a sweatshirt around yourself, quickly change shorts, or if you're at the beach, put a towel around yourself. Now act casual... act like someone who didn't just have a bladder accident in public. 

No one will know what you've done! 

Have a fun accident :) 


Dottie Dairymilk

just occurred to me hypno mommy — if a group of people like us all get together are we PANTS-PEERS? lol

Dottie Dairymilk

did it today at the path where the ducks are just was feeding peas to the ducks and put my arms out and peed, in full view while other people were also on the path — they didn’t know because was wearing my skirt and my diaper is thick and doesn’t leak. for a change, didn’t feel that babbling oh no oh no feeling, it just felt natural and what my body does. always in diapers., there is no escape from diapers. Then went back to walking around and feeding the ducks, then went home and changed into fresh diaper. always in diapers, there is no escape from diapers.