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This week, you are going to wet your pants with your hands behind your back. It's going to feel so good when you finally let go, feeling helpless. 

When your bladder is nice and full, sit down with a glass of water. Pick a chair that you can wet your pants on, a chair that's easy to clean up. Or, you can wear a diaper for this. Sit down and drink the glass of water. Once you've had this glass of water, you are not allowed to get off the chair until you've wet your pants. You will remember this rule.  At this point, you can do anything you want while sitting there. You can play on your phone, read a book, or simply enjoy the mental countdown, getting closer and closer to wetting your pants.

When the urge gets very strong, you will put your hands behind your back. Imagine that you are handcuffed, with your hands behind your back. You can't do anything about that. Feel how you are sitting, you can't control your hands, you can't even hold your crotch. Stay in this position until you feel like you are about to have an accident. 

Them, let it happen. Just pee yourself. Feel how your whole body feels. Your hands behind your back, not moving, just sitting in place and helplessly wetting yourself. After you've wet yourself, then you are allowed to get up, out of your chair. 


Dottie Dairymilk

Will do! Wish could put on my own diapers. Hate being disabled and can’t do it myself, they always end up only halfway on cuz of my dexterity issues.

Dottie Dairymilk

Well that was an epic pee. And then an epic mess. One led to the other. Had no choice.

Forte X

I hope you find someone to put your diapers on for you! Sounds like you do need them.

Trevor Mai

I did it mommy