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It's so nice to relax isn't it... and isn't it nice to take a nap.. and then wake up from it, realizing your wetting yourself? You can wear a diaper, or you can wear your regular clothes if you're ok with wetting the bed. 

Drink a tall glass of water before you take a nap... then relax... tale a nap... see what happens... You can set a timer before, if you're afraid you'll sleep too long. 

Just relax and imagine how nice it will be to wake up... and to mindlessly wet yourself. If you can't fall asleep, just close your eyes and rest. Sometimes, when little ones rest, they get so relaxed.. that they let go and start peeing..

You're going relax and wet yourself... as you're waking up you will still feel a bit sleepy, a bit mindless. You won't think too hard. You'll just start to pee... nice and mindlessly... you'll start peeing as soon as you start waking up... and you'll look down and see how your diaper is expanding... or how your clothes are getting wet... it will feel like wetting the bed in a trance state... half asleep, your mind not awake, just peeing without thinking.

If you're afraid of getting your bed wet, you can stand up from your nap, and then start to mindlessly wet yourself... the feeling of being half asleep will help you feel mindless... so you'll get the feeling that your mind is waking up just as you're having an accident. 

Follow my instructions. Then tell me how it made you feel :)

Remember, if you have a little accident in your pants Mommy is proud of you. Wetting your pants and/or wearing a diaper is encouraged and supported in my world! 



Sometimes at Adult daycare, I lay there quietly and pretend to be asleep and slowly wet my pants so it looks like I had an accident in my sleep but I did it on purpose. If it looks like an accident I won't get in troubled and get a spanking.

Dottie Dairymilk

Yeah sometimes the changes are tough accepting still fighting it myself