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Hello Hypno Fans! 

Starting from June I will change my Patreon to have 5 tiers. 

May will be the last month with only 2 tiers. So on June 3rd, after payments are processed, you will all receive your mp3 recordings as usual. 

I decided to create more of a range of benefits that people can participate in. 

Starting from June (recordings sent out July 3rd) I will require you to be in the Mega Hypno Fan tier ($10) to get 1 hypnosis recording per month, and the Hypno Lover tier ($15) to get 2 hypnosis recordings per month. I decided this would be better reflection of the value of my hypnosis and the time I put into it. It is still less than I charge on my store for a recording. 

The Hypno Fan tier will continue to exist. However the benefit of this tier will change. Rather than getting an audio hypnosis recording, you get special instructions from Mommy (written or audio) to wet yourself throughout the month. This benefit will exist in the other tiers as well! 

These will be the new tiers:

Hypno Fan ($6) 

- Special instructions 2 times per month to wet yourself (or diaper) according to how I feel is right :) This will be different each month, so that you feel my guidance and influence, while getting the support that you need to keep your potty habits from becoming too toilet-oriented. 

- Access to all the hypnosis freebies I've posted on my patreon (and more coming in the future). Everything listed as a patron-only freebie is something you can't get on my youtube or store, only on patreon.  

- Discount codes for when I have a patreon only sale on my store  

Mega Hypno Fan ($10) 

- The same benefits of being a Hypno Fan! 

- AND a 10-20 minute Hypnosis recording each month 

Hypno Lover ($15) 

- The same benefits of being a Hypno Fan! 

- And 2 hypnosis recordings 

Hypno Artist  ($20) 

- The same benefits of being a Hypno Fan!

- 2 hypnosis recordings 

- Participate in polls for what I should include in my hypnosis recordings and instructions 

I am also thinking of adding an additional tier (limited to maybe 5 patrons) where you could send in a sentence of your choice and I can record it in my voice. This would be totally private, and an opportunity to get a special trigger phrase or command in my voice. 

What to do you think? Should I add this tier? I would only add this if there's demand for it :) 



I'd definitely want to be on the highest teir