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Hello Hypno Fans,

For the next few months I'm going to try a new method for creating mp3 files. I'm going to poll everyone on their favorite themes and come up with files that match the themes. Each few months, I'll try out new themes or new ideas. 

Rather than holding a poll at the very end of the month and then creating the files based off the polls, I'll send out some surprise files based off the themes that got voted on. This way I will have a bit more time to prepare the files, and might be able to get some special edits in, with music and/or sound effects. 

So, which of these themes do you find most interesting ? Pick up to 3! 

If you have a specific idea, put it in the comments! 



I like some humiliation/shaming related to being in diapers sometime, but really want to be an AB all the time in my mind and wet as a baby all the time.

Pseudo Nym

What is a "fantasy scenario"? Are we talking, like "fantasy" as in elves and faeries, or "fantasy" as in sexual fantasies? Anyways, I'm definitely in favor of wetting without age regression. But something involving magic or elves or something could be cool XD.


I think fantasies are more story based. Usually there is some kind of situation that causes the listener to have an accident or feel regressed.

Cerulean Syn

Itd be cool to hear crinkle noises for an asmr layer


I’m a big fan of soft mommy tracks and would like having some fun activity with mommy (e.g. puzzles, reading together , coloring or something else like that) with an accident and diaper change

James P

I think it’s time for another embarrassing big kid gets regressed to babyhood/diapers daycare for wetting like a baby, ...., because it is a dark secret desire and nobody but big kid knows the wetting is on purpose .

chris hackett

I would love to hear some tracks with binaural sounds to help deepen the trance :)


Agreed! I will often take files I download and add binural beats to them in Audacity, I find it really helps me go deeper.


A fantasy - that means a story. Rather than hypnosis giving you an effect or trigger, you just experience a story.