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Hello Hypno Fans,

I would like to hear from all of you about your preferences on music! Do you like to have background music with hypnosis? 

Some hypno fans have mentioned liking binaural beats. Do you have other things you like to hear, like water noises,  music, crinkling diapers? Or, if you have other suggestions, comment them below! 



For lighter files (not dark, high humiliation) I think I would enjoy a mixture of baby babble/cooing/giggling. Could either be just to get into the proper mindset or be the atmospheric sounds of a nursery setting.


Since I like all things, I cannot vote.😉🤗


I've liked your recordings because it is just voice. If I could offer feedback it would be that sometimes the voice itself could be clearer. By all means make them with a background track or effects but also release a voice only version. I know some creators will use a standard background which by repeated listening you end up conditioned to enter trance when you hear it. I sometimes use a light and sound machine which adds the entrainment effects both isually via goggles and to the audio in sync. I'd rather pick my own binaural effect based on a favourite preset

Cerulean Syn

I loooove to hear crinkly 👶🏻


That's a good idea! Some babyish music, xylophone sounds, rattle sounds might also add to a fun babyish environment.


I think the crinkling sound is a good trigger to remind you to stay diapered!


Can you post a 5 to 10 second sample of each?


… with a voiceover sample in the foreground…


I generally like any sound as long as it happens after the induction. It can sometimes get in the way of being able to focus on the voice and letting myself slip into trance when there are competing sounds.


I like files with or without background music. I just think it important that it is properly looped and cut. That slight cracking of audio not cut at a zero-crossing reliably brings me out of trance.

James P
