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One of the wonderful things about hypnosis is that it allows you explore all of your daydreams, however far away from reality those daydreams may be. My ABDL hypnosis has covered different aspects of age regression, softness and warmth, discipline, and dark ABDL. 

So hypno fans, the question I have is, are there any daydreams you have about these topics that you haven't seen yet? What would be the perfect daydream to walk right into? 

Comment below! 



How about put back in diapers by older sister! I love those type and there isn’t that much out there.




Never heard it anywhere before but how about a performance review at work. Each infraction causes you to lose a bit more of your maturity. Like excessive bathroom breaks puts you in diapers and poor communication skills relegates you to only using baby talk and breaking the dress code gets you an infantile work "uniform".


A person you really like a lot catches you checking them out a few times when you're trying to not get caught looking. You start to meet them haphazardly in different places for usually a couple of minutes or a few seconds even.....at a time, and then the moments pass. As time goes on you notice a strange magical aura about this person and you only noticed it after you started cracking a joke at them about something, or making fun of them in playful ways. Over time they seem to get slightly irritated but they keep quiet about it. But one day you're some place and you start to feel strange and lost like you've been struck by some strange trance, and you become disoriented and lost. As you try to make sense of where you are and what is going on, you make your way to a strange place and then suddenly pass out. You awake to find yourself in a crib, and you are shocked as you roll around to try and stand up to gaze through the bars which are really tall and you can't stand up right the first time. As you fall and try to get back up the person you were teasing walks into the room laughing at you, smiling at you and teasing you in return about your new ,helpless predicament.


I had a dream a few months back where I ordered pizza but forgot to tell them contactless delivery (covid and all) and they kept ringing the doorbell to deliver. So I put some cover clothing over my abdl stuff, but my pacifier was still clipped to my shirt. The delivery woman told me it was her last delivery of the night, and that I clearly needed a sitter for the night and shouldn't have been left home alone. Well... You know how that played out :)


Spoiler alert: it played out with me waking up, realizing my fantasies were just that, and getting up to go to work.


You've done several things I like. I would just like to hear more babying,belittling depending on story. Love a wetting or messing while you tease the subject with baby talk. Diapers no pants, or diapers sticking out of pants or onesie. An audience is even better

Tracy Chastain

I think it would be great to daydream of several girls noticing i am wearing diapers and have them regress you and they are going to train you to use your diaper just like a real baby no matter how long it takes after you have completed training they have a AB/DL baby shower for you


My perfect daydream is being caught wearing a diaper by my mommy when I'm only about 10 and her asking me if I want to be put back in diapers. But in order to wear diapers, I need to learn to use my diaper like they are meant to be used. In other words, unpotty trained into incontinence. Then, when I achieve my goal, being treated just like a real baby. Especially nursing.


I have had day dreams of cleaning a dominant woman’s house in a diaper.(and maybe a maid outfit 😈) No matter who she may have over while cleaning, that is what I have to wear.


A common day dream I have is being at a party, and the topic of hypnosis comes up. I say I doubt it would work on me, so you take me in a back room and quickly bring me into a deep hypnotic regressed state. Then you bring the rest of the party into the room to demonstrate how regressed I am, babbling and wetting myself on your triggered commands.


A daydream/fantasy? I come home to a loving caring ab/dL mommy/girlfriend who has already decided I am to go back into diapers 24/7, is going to baby me for the weekend. That would be truly wonderful.


Enforced diaper discipline/training. Spanked, disciplined, writing lines etc for "adult " behavior like dry nights or using the potty

Cerulean Syn

I have this one where im taking a nap and my female crush walks in and catches me, but rather than wake me up, she runs her fingers all over my body whispering trigger words sweetly caressing me into her nurturing humiliation. Its like her touch keeps me in sleep paralysis -I wake up and shes got my legs raised lovingly changing my diaper


Remember Penis Inspection Day in school? It was so embarrassing at the time but maybe the fantasy can go a little differently. What if the school nurse put boys in diapers for being too small. And if they have an accident while she is checking them get locked in chastity. Implanting 'false' memories about penis inspection day can be fun to think about as part of the always-in-diapers schema. And I haven't been allowed to take them off since that fateful day.


That's an interesting one. I'd replace chastity with locking diapers myself, but it could be fun for sure.