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I know there are different opinions and thoughts on this topic. Sometimes staying in a diaper can give you the feeling that you are so little and the wet diaper is a reminder.  After you wet your diaper do you prefer to change it right way or stay in it? 



Stay until you get discovered and let her change it


Since I usually only wear them in the evening and overnight, I prefer to use them as long as possible. Only when it licks, or I think it would lick soon, will it be changed. When I wake up in the morning and it's so fat, I still wear it to enjoy it.


I LOVE to soak it. It feels so wonderful, especially when I sleep in one and discover I have done it through the night 😊🤭


If I have premium diapers I’ll usually wet itv3 times before changing.


At night, always stay in it until morning, unless someone wakes me to change me. Daytime, till the diaper needs to be changed...they are not cheap :)


diapers definitely arent cheap so i usually limit them to nights and weekends and use them as much as possible. There's also something comforting about it filling. Almost like my own weighted blanket.


Premium diapers take like 5 solid wettings and don't even feel wet until 3. Also you can play a fun game as you approach capacity that blends the fun of peeing one's pants with peeing a diaper. If I'm doing a diaper day I'll sometimes plan on not wetting again but be so used to a quick response I wet and leak. That feels very little space. :) Like, "ok, I'm going to go clean the kitchen a bit and then change," but I'll just find myself peeing before I finish. That's a legit accident imo.


Diapers that lick? Omg we need to invent that asap and become millionaires! ;)


I'm jealous. I cannot sleep well after a wetting and rarely wear at night for that reason. And having someone to give me checks... Omg what a joy that must be.


Stay in it until it is full and needs to be changed


Usually I'll try to wait until either a messy accident or if im afraid of a leak before changing.


I usually will peepee 2-3 times before changing diapies. Unless I mess it, then I’ll change right away.😳


i am trained to have to wet at least twice before i can be changed. Even if i poo poo i have to wet 2 times before i can change. i like to stay in my wet diapee as long as possible. It feels wonderful and makes me feel real little being in a wet diapee. Mikey likes it.


I mean, don't change after just one wetting. That's how you run through a ton on diapers throughout the day and diapers are expensive. You gotta use it till it's full and needs to be changed.


Change it when its full i agree


Yea if I'm wearing a big puffy diaper, one wetting is not gonna cut it. Gotta soak it, really get the best mileage out of it~ Love the feeling of a very heavy diaper, plus it really starts to enforce that waddle after awhile.