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Diapers have a way of bringing out emotions in little ones. Diapers can be an excellent trigger for little space. As soon as you put on a diaper, it can transport you to a regressed state. But of course, if you wear diapers 24-7 it might feel so normal that it doesn't trigger that immediate reaction. 

Diapers can still bring on some background feelings. I hear from a lot of you, and I know often diapers bring about two feelings: comfort and safety. Even for people who wear them 24-7, these two feelings seem to be the most common feelings that are always there when you wear a diaper. 

Diapers could bring out some silly and playful feelings too. After a long day, when you put on a diaper and let yourself relax, you might find that you just want to have fun and be babyish.  It might be easier to let go of all the other things in your mind, and just have fun once the diaper is on. 

I've also heard a few times that diapers help some of you feel carefree. That makes sense to me, since once you're diapered you don't have to worry about going to a toilet. You can get so caught up in a good TV show or a nap that you simply let go and wet yourself whenever you need to. That sounds like a carefree state to be in! 

How do diapers make you feel? Do they bring on feelings of comfort and safety, of being playful and carefree? Comment below! 



I usually wear my diapers on the weekend, from Friday evening. Then I can leave the stress and anger of the whole week behind and switch off. Yes, I then also feel carefree, because as you already write, you no longer have to think about going to the toilet but can just sit or lie down, relax and let it go. It makes me feel carefree during this time. I would also be afraid that if I wore them 24/7 it would become too normal and some feelings would become dull and I don't want that, it should always be something special. Your beautiful hypnoses also help me with this, as they show me different fantasies that I can dream of. Thanks Mommy V.😘


That sounds wonderful. Leaving stress and anger behind and entering a carefree state of mind. Your diapers are a trigger for a special experience!


They make me feel safe.


I don't get to wear them as often as I would like. They make me feel little and babish. Also excited and intense at the thought of being discovered and humiliated.


I’m 24/7 but every time I have a change (4-5 times a day) and put a clean one on I feel so happy, safe, and ready for what comes next.


While binge wearing diapers, I am so happy and never want to be without one on my bum. Wetting my pants is never a worry.☺️ It feels so great to be so irresponsible.


Even though I am fortunate enough to wear 24/7, I still get the special feelings of comfort, security, and feeling of being little from them.


I'm 24/7 too most of the time and always sleep in diapers. During the day the feeling of the diaper hugging me is so comforting, but my favorite time is waking up with a wet diaper under my pajamas in the morning. That makes me feel so little. Some mornings it makes it hard to get out of bed.

Brad H

New to diapering and not happy with leakers. Would love any suggestions where I can sleep all night and not worry about bedsheets.

Brad H

Seriously. Love mommies stories but hate the clean uop... lol.

Tracy Chastain

Comforted,security,helps with depression


By myself, wearing is a decision to abstain from responsibility for a period, and of course the fetish side of it all (details likely not wanted). With a significant other, wearing around them, being changed, submitting... That's also a feeling of completely making myself vulnerable, and their caregiving shows I can be that vulnerable to them and know they care. Anyone doing that with me is undeniably invested in our relationship, undeniably caring about me, and deserving of course of reciprocity. I'm not saying I can't love someone who doesn't engage in my fetish or anything, but doing so is such an act of love and devotion it just ticks off all my boxes.


Recommend something very absorbent. I like Rearz (Alpaca or Barnyard). Make sure you are pointing down. Sleeping on your back is safest. I rarely have leaks.

little bri

for me, they make me feel "small" (but not always regressed) and maybe just a little (and I mean a very tiny bit) embarrassed that i'm wearing them.... i don't always regress when i have them on, mostly because i'm by myself and it isn't easy to fall into that headspace... i've been finding that i feel happy if i wet without really trying to (wish i could really become a nighttime wetter that would always force me to wear diapers to be every night)... i used to get really turned on when i'd put on a nice, soft, comfy diaper, but i worked hard to make it so that i don't always get turned on as soon as i put on the diaper (i still find myself getting "excited" sometimes though)


I’ve been wearing diaper pull-ups as of late so I can adventure out and still wear them they make me feel smol and safe best way to a regressed state for a little giggles


Diapers make me feel safe, comfy, taken care of and controlled. They trigger my little side.


I actually like the idea of a devious Mommy who wants to keep me under her control. And she does that by covertly hypnotizing me and encouraging me to have accidents and to wet my pants. I see diapers as a way for Mommy to strip me of my independence and keep me under her control forever. :)

Cerulean Syn

Wearing them and then seeing all the stacks in my closet makes me realize I’m where I belong

Brad H

Just put on my diaper and it immediately made me pee like a baby. Love you mommy.

Brad H

If you're a great hypno mommy please tell me what diaper doesn't leak!!!! Tired of changing sheets.

Brad H

Hate being afraid to pee myself.