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Embarrassment and humiliation mental states that are usually not considered fun... But in my experience as both a Mommy and a Domme, when embarrassment is consensual, it can be a really fun ride. 

 When I think of embarrassment I think of someone blushing, looking at the ground, maybe a little one tries to hide the accident they just had. I imagine someone covering their pants with their hands and sheepishly admitting that they wet their pants. 

When I think of humiliation I imagine it as a deeper feeling. When someone is humiliated they are embarrassed to the core. When you are humiliated, your mind cannot focus on anything  besides the feeling of humiliation. It is like an altered state, and for many people it's an exciting and enjoyable altered state. 

I think embarrassment is a gentler state.... that can get more intense and turn into humiliation. 

ABDL hypnosis can really play with with these ideas. Wetting your pants, wearing diapers, acting like a baby. Sometimes it's embarrassing, and sometimes it's normal :) 

Do you enjoy feelings of embarrassment or humiliation as an ABDL lover? Comment below! 



I enjoy the idea of both of those elements in an "imagined scenario" as it has been explained here .....very much so I might add.


Both, but humiliation is more exciting as it is more severe.


As long as it is consensual, and in a controlled environment, humiliation can be VERY exciting. Embarrassment is a little (no pun intended.....pun intended lol) on the gentler side and can be a nice feeling, too.


In my imagination, I find both very exciting, tingling and beautiful. In real life I would probably sink into the ground with shame or go crazy.


I like both feelings of consensual humiliation and embarrassment. Humiliation may make me cower and lose most of my focus at the same time it is so stimulating. I haven’t been humiliated in person by a Domme, but do crave such an opportunity. Knowing that she is doing this to me, and knowing that she takes pleasure in my humiliation sounds so exciting.


I like the feeling of embarrassment with those butterflies in your stomach knowing you did something wrong. I haven’t been humiliated by anyone other then my imagination so I can’t really say. Still from a imagination standpoint it can be fun in a safe environment


I like both. I've really enjoyed you using both these topics


I could enjoy embarrassment as an excuse to have control taken from me, but I’ve never enjoyed humiliation. So if someone could come up with one I enjoyed I’d be impressed.


I do enjoy both, and it really hits the mark for me with scenes that build from slight/moderate embarrassment and slowly gets ratcheted up to humiliation. I think your "blushing accident" in front of mommy's friends audio is a great example, beginning with pants wetting but ending laid out on a changing table in front of everyone being diapered by a relative stranger.


I've been in diapers so long, and played at being a baby that not much embarrasses me. I used to be more into humiliation but now that I have a full time Mommy, humiliation isn't so much part of my fetish. Since I wet like a baby all the time, wetting my pants is embarrassing but not really humiliating. It's what babies do if they're not properly diapered.

Cerulean Syn

I like being lovingly teased. One of my vanilla female friends knows about me and helps me pick out pajamas/onesies once in a while on Snapchat. She’s usually giggling at me but it’s accompanied by an “awww” and that gives me the most ridiculous butterflies.