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Hello Hypno Fans! 

How do you feel about being forced to regress? Does it add something special to your experience if it's forced? There is something nice about letting yourself sink into little space, but perhaps something even more special about being pulled like a magnet toward little space under someone's command. 

Having an accident can also be fun :) Sometimes little ones wet automatically. It can be fun and relieving, or just a normal part of your everyday life (as I know it is for many of you). Do you like the idea of having an accident because someone has commanded it, influenced you, or pushed you so deep into trance that you can't control your bladder? 

What do you think? Vote in the poll! 



I have a feeling I know which one will win 😊


Hehe me too

Cerulean Syn

The feeling of being found out and forced to regress/wet

Tracy Chastain

I like the idea of being forced to regress and lose all control of bowels and bladder and feeling happy and content


When I was in the second grade, I was afraid of the noise a public tankless toilet would make. this caused me to mess myself more than once


I like the idea of being regressed and forgetting about all control. Not even remembering what it felt like to have to go, how these muscels even work, what relaxed and tense feels like at all. And to have it stay that way even out of trance. Just to have no choice even if one would like to back out because deep inside you know you want it.