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Hello Hypno Fans! 

I have noticed again and again, that Dark ABDL is one of the most popular topics  in my ABDL hypnosis. There are few different themes I like to explore in Dark ABDL. 

Loss of Control 

I think for many hypno fans, it adds to the loss of control if Mommy forces them to regress, rather than nicely nudging them :) I think this is perhaps why my covert hypnosis is also popular - the dark enjoyment of being influenced to wet yourself, without me telling you what I'm doing. I also like memory play more and more as part of hypnosis and brainwashing. I have done more memory play in BDSM settings, but in ABDL setting it can be exciting. Playing with your memories to reinforce that you were always a diaper wetter is a great way to take away inhibitions, while you lose control further. 


Of course part of age regression is being led by Mommy. Mommy can be sweet and encouraging, or she can be strict. Sometimes little ones need to be spanked for having accidents in their pants, or diapered as a form of punishment.  I know some of you also like the idea of needing to stay in diapers as a form of punishment. It reaffirms who's in charge. Little ones do not get to decide when they get out of their diapers. 


I think both adult babies and diaper lovers benefit from rules, routines and structure from time to time. In idea I had about this recently was - you lose your potty privileges for a week. You are NOT allowed to use a toilet, instead you can only use a diaper. Sometimes it's easier to use your diaper when you have no choice.  

Of course I like the warm and encouraging parts of ABDL hypnosis too. I think both sides of the coin are mentally stimulating and rewarding. 

What do all of you think? Do you prefer Dark ABDL hypnosis or warm and encouraging ABDL hypnosis? What are your favorite hypnotic themes? Comment below! 



I think I'm equally pulled both directions. At the end of the day perhaps I would choose encouraging

Kami Yamabushi

I prefer dark ABDL for the loss of control aspect. But once in that state, a mix between dark/warm is a nice balance.


I agree, the mix of Dark for loss of control with a warm and gentle it is for your own good.


I like Dark abdl and the idea of underlying loss of control without my knowledge of it, and feeling helplessly pulled into the recordings/regressive state. And the idea that no matter how much I believe i have any control over my decisions, that I can't escape my diapers ,and the mental effects, but I like the warmness and nurturing aspects of the experience too because I think that helps reinforce my minds lack of will and control over myself. In combination with some strictness, it is devastating to the belief that I was ever really in control to begin with under your hypnosis.


That is a tough choice. I love the idea of dark abdl for being controlled without knowing. I feel the warm type of domination seems to affect my mind on a deeper level. I’m also curious about discipline if rules are broken maybe a humiliating punishment is given.


I really love both aspects of your hypnosis. I enjoy being told that I NEED to be diapered all the time. And it is equally as enjoyable either while in a sweet ABDL hypnosis session, or a devastatingly dark ABDL covert environment. Such a thrill either way to be regressed and become who I really am, a lil' baby.


Yes, I think it's good to know that there is a safety net even when you give up total control.


Yes, there's a warm security in giving in because Mommy knows what's good for you.


It's good to be able to experience both :) Maybe it's good to end any dark ABDL hypnosis on a warm and reassuring note?


This a good explanation of the dynamic. Being helplessly pulled, and knowing that you can't fight what is happening so better to relax and accept it.


Different aspects of dark ABDL/ warm ABDL probably reach different parts of your mind. What kind of humiliating punishment?


There is a freedom in letting go and getting what you need, instead of just what you want!


I really like both but side more to the dark abdl. I enjoy being humiliated by mommy or in front of someone. Maybe only wetting the diaper or the bed and being panked but it’s a thrill either way.


Seems like most of us like a combination of dark and nurturing. Me too. Dark to cause me to completely wet my diaper, only to realize afterwards that I forgot I wasn't wearing a diaper this time. ABDL (nurturing) to tell me that it's OK. Mommy loves me and knows that all big babies have accidents.


I think all dark ABDL scenarios have a happy and positive ending provided Mommy gets what she wants. :)


I am very much into the BDSM side of things, so I am a big fan of your dark ABDL files. What’s great about them is that you control your subjects in a very subtle way. You don’t have to yell or demean in order to get the results- it’s all about coercing the listener into going song with it and submitting to your intellect before they realize what’s happening. I look forward to seeing g what else you come up with!


I love the dark for sure


I seem to keep having dreams lately: where I always end up being put back into diapers


Am I am the only one who doesn't see these as dark? Since I am a baby, when Mommy removes all my potty training, she is just restoring me to my true nature. And of course, she will decide when (if) I get potty trained. And as Mommy, she will need to discipline me from time to time. :-)

Tracy Chastain

I like the idea of being forced to wet and mess uncontrollably


Hope it's ok if i add a comment to older posts. I like the dark elements, they are fun and super hot. But i think the caring and nuturing makes it work. I'd rather have a mummy that shows she can be caring and nurturing that gentle eases you into trance and submissions and being an obedient baby .. then uses that control. Too many hypnotists go straight to the big fetish thing or "you are now incontinent forever more plus a few days" without building up to it