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I love using hypnosis to make my subjects wet the bed. It's very satisfying to make a mp3 file to implant suggestions to pee as you sleep.. and to see that someone has done it. I really shows that your body can't control itself at night. You just fall asleep and have an accident as you sleep. Your body lets go.. and your mind doesn't wake you up in time to stop it. 

So time for a poll! 

Do you like to wet the bed, or do you prefer only daytime wetting? Do you like seeing that you've wet your pajamas or do you prefer to only wet the bed when diapered? Participate in the poll and write in the comments below :) 



I like the idea of wetting the bed. Either in a diaper proving I need them or not earning me them.


I like knowing that someone else made me wet the bed or into a bed wetter.


I want to, but so far my bladder is a fortress when I sleep.


I always wear diapees so I wet my diapees when I'm sleeping or really doing anything. That's what babies do!


I would also like to unconsciously wet myself and went to bed yesterday with a very strong urge to piss. I finally thought I would wet my diaper in my sleep, but nothing. Hours later I woke up dry and consciously had to piss again.

Kami Yamabushi

The idea of wetting the bed with or without diapers is a fun idea... but realistically, having to do laundry daily would be a huge annoyance.

Hypno Bubbles

Personally I don't fall anywhere into the AB/DL spectrum so my interest in any success with stuff like this would be the power dynamic of a hypnotist exercising this level of control.


It really is a mind set but you can drink carbonation not necessarily soda and it can help. But having a hypno track with it helps me personally.


I sleep too poorly to wake myself up with something uncomfortable on purpose, as fun as it sounds to pee the bed.


Like some others in the comments, I've not been able to "get there" while sleeping.


Knowing that it was against your will? Some influential person turned you into a bed wetter, that kind of idea?


Like the idea of wetting a diaper while sleeping too but I haven't achieved it so far, find it very difficult, even to just sleep in a diaper


Yes muscle memory can be quite strong. It can take time to re-train your muscles to let go in places /in contexts that have been off-limits for a long time.


I would like to be able to see the accident with my pjs so I would be sure that I've wet the bed as my diapers are usually wet a couple of times while I'm trying to fall asleep.


I just like the idea of needing my diapers I’m a 24/7 user but it is hard off and on sometimes it just comes out others I have to force it. After more then 8 years 24/7 one would think the muscles would have retrained but evidently not yet. I never try to stop myself I always try to just relax and let whatever come out however it does but I still have to make the effort. Its annoying!


i have only wet my self a few times always in my leggings over a potty or in the shower. i want to explore more