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Do you like the idea of being permanently incontinent so that you have to be diapered 24/7? Or do you prefer having accidents just sometimes... (and maybe when you are having an accident prone week, you need to be diapered for a few weeks). 

Another popular choice is to be a bedwetter but still have control in the daytime. Maybe this way, you get the best of both worlds :)

What do you prefer? An occasional accidents when you didn't run to the bathroom in time? Being a bed wetter who needs to be diapered but only a night? Being diapered and with no bladder control 24/7?

Which option sounds like the best scenario? 


Miles Smith

I would much rather need diapers 24/7!


I'm a terrible person for polls. Plus I'm literally distracted by frog and toad book atm... But my preference is entirely dependent on my significant other, my job, my family, etc. But if all of the above was cool with it, 24/7 diapers for. Irl, that means weekends only :)


I chose the other 2 that weren't 24/7 because the pants wetting could only be occasionally at home or something, and night time would be nice


The thought of 24/7 has a certain appeal to it, but I’ve always been interested in the process of my bladder becoming weaker and weaker than the final result of being totally incon. There is something very exciting by the thought that I’m being progressively “trained” to lose control of my bladder, that my mind and body are slowly adjusting to needing diapers until it isn’t a want, but a need. So for me, having more frequent accidents is closest to what I envision as the ideal scenario.


Frog and Toad books are quiet exciting ... they have a way of affecting the mind :)