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Is wearing diapers weird? I get this question from people in the ABDL world and outside of it. Diapers are designed for babies who are incontinent, so why should an adult wear them? Even people who wear them will express that it's weird and not something that they tell everyone. 

Well, I don't think it's weird. Not any weirder than any other hobby. People find enjoyment in all kind of things that might be weird to someone else. Bird watching, painting miniatures, smelling different bath products to guess what the ingredients are (this is on of my weird hobbies). Some people run marathons because they enjoy it. I can't imagine running 26 miles for fun. To me it's weird to imagine that people enjoy that, but I think it's cool that people can do it. 

As a non-smoker who know a lot of smokers, I'm also fascinated by how relaxed some people get when they smoke a cigarette. The few cigarettes I've smoked made my chest feel tight and made me cough. To me it's weird to imagine that some people get absolutely  tranquil from a cigarette. 

That's the thing - we all find enjoyment in different things. We might not understand other people's hobbies as well as our own. Running a marathon for fun is a "weird" idea to me, but it's not wrong. 

I think the "slime" phenomenon in recent years is pretty interesting. When I was a child, playing with slime was somewhat fun, and something only kids did. Now it's become a huge trend for kids, adults and everyone. Some people find it therapeutic to touch something soft and squishy. Maybe 10 years ago, posting a picture of slime would be "weird" but now it's pretty common. 

Diapers are just like that. Ultimately you can do whatever you want with your body, even if it's weird in someone else's eyes. I personally do not wear diapers, but I like putting other people in diapers. I like to see how people can enter a totally different mental zone just from talking about, thinking about or wearing diapers. Is that weird? Maybe it's weird in someone else's eyes. But that's no problem.  

One of the great things about the internet is that there are forums and groups where people realize that there are plenty of other people who have the same interest. Whether it's bird watching, learning languages or wearing diapers. 



Diapers are a really good thing.


Fully agree. I don't think diaper/nappy wearing is weird. Millions of people wear them because they need too and if anyone finds enjoyment in wearing them, well done them. Likewise, if a wearer does not actually depend on them, its just a matter of scale. A diaper is just absorbent underwear after all. OK, moving onto the full AB thing makes it more obvious but just what is the problem the people involved are causing others? They don't like it? Don't do it. No one forces an individual to wear a diaper, well I've never meet anyone (yup, looked for one) and as long as all involved consent and they are above legal age, I hope they all enjoy a perfect hobby and relaxation aid.


Thanks for writting that. Even though I'm an adult and grown moslty out of my shame of enjoying wearing diapers, this still feels good to read :) thanks for that and for all your work with those recordings, they make me feel in ways I'd barely ever experienced before, can't be grateful enough for that :)