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...the two recent additions to Jabba’s harem, now dressed in the provided robes, were being led through a narrow corridor of the palace towards the throne room...

Just a little sneak peek to the progression of the SOD series ;)



Johnny Ringo

I am pleasantly excited for this.

peter jur

I'm afraid one of them will end with her front in carbonite and her perfect ass free for fucking... and the other girl with her stucked carbonite ass but free head for sucking 🤤 Old George would be so happy about this new modern version of his Script... 😍


Hope Padme gets more attention, the previous issues of SOD have been very Rey-centric with not much of Padme, them kissing and hugging is great and all but Padme hasn't gotten many full frontal/body or seductive shots like Rey. First issue we get has no nudes of Padme, although her midriff shot (which a nude alt would greatly compliment) was quite nice. On the second issue she's nude but her breasts are obscured by the twilek in one image and on the other her back faces the viewer with her ass and pussy out of shot. There's a headless pic in the same pose, but it can be attributed to either girl and not specifically Padme. The only pic with her boobs displayed has the side of them obscured with Rey's hands and is minimalistic. On the third and most recent entry, Padme lays with exposed breasts next to Rey's slit which I found excellent, followed by an image with her breasts out of view and ass displayed. I hope I'm not coming off as too critical, I'm enjoying your work immensely and am just voicing my opinion since there's a lack both high quality Padme nsfw art in general and art of yours with equal attention towards her body that's been given to characters like Rey, Hermione, and Luna to name a few. Same goes for Leia.

Dave Wheeler

More Padme please!!🙏🏆


agreed that there's less good padme art in general. I'd love more padme focus too, though I still think the series is great so far


I bet Rey is thinking that, she needs to protect Padme at all cost!