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Hi guys, I just wanted to fill you in about the fact that I've recieved a notification to take action and remove some of my content from my feed or my account would be suspended. Basically all explicit vore/violence related content. So you'll notice several posts have been removed, this should resolve the matter. I'm waiting now for Patreon's response.


Ferc Polo

Jesus Christ am I tired of fucking censorship. Fuck Patreon.

Kyri Arriaga

😢 Best of luck!


Bad news 😣

Juraks (No Credits)

Time make a subscribestar if you haven't already.


Subscribestar Bro....


Damn amazing artist trying to be censored


Glad it wasn't for using the likenesses of real people cause they're harsher on that. Still I hope you can link to future previews on Pixiv or Deviantart.


If you have to move sites to avoid censorship, I'll move to support you again. Can't have corporations censor artists


You’ve managed to stay on patreon far longer than most vore/peril artists, but I think the time has come to ditch the bastards and relocate to a more understanding platform like subscribestar. Their platform is not as well organized but it can work with discord where you could post your works in a much more organized way.


Honestly moving to SubscribeStar could help alot...


Just let me know which platform you move to. I really hate these snowflake censorship.


I’ve started a subscribestar for myself as a backup and I’d definitely recommend it to you. Hopefully everything gets resolved soon!

Kevin C

I’ll follow you on whatever platform you go to. You do amazing art and I appreciate it!


Patreon pulling an Onlyfans - these corpos sure do like shooting themselves in the foot. If you decide to leave, Ninja, I'll come with you. No worries.


Patreon did it long before OF did. Built themselves up on adult content then told those creators to get lost


Other NSFW creators already have moved to or have Subscribestar.adult as a backup just in case. Would be a good idea to check them out especially since they're main focus is NSFW content anyways.


Like others have stated, worst case scenario move that content to an alternate subscription platform. I've heard Patreon is anti-vore because they consider it "beastiality" from other artists who left. Dunno how the hell you make that connection and seems like a reach, especially if there is no actual sex involved. In any event, I hope this means you wont stop making that type of content, since that is the primary reason I've stayed subscribed all these years.


Really shitty of patreon to flip the script on you like this after all this time, and if you have to relocate I’ll happily follow! I imagine you’re keeping tabs on who’s all subscribed on your Harrypotterologist/Founder tiers for the book if you do?


I hate it too, but I would say that it's old fashioned censorship, although it's an irrelevant distinction. Snowflakes would feel outraged by stuff like some jokes, but I don't know, maybe they would arrive to the same conclusion, just not because they find it immoral but because it's sexist of this nonsense.


Well, the the case of Jyn Erso or Rey, they get fucked by the monsters' intestinal villi, but it's a quibbling argument.


It's strange because Negisaray doesn't have to bother about covering boobs, assholes or vaginas as you do with the patreon logo, yet he doesn't seem to run into censorship or any warning.


Patreon just loves to kill the golden goose. Should consider other platforms like SubcribeStar adult which respects it's creators more.


One thing many of us kink-related artists do is run the rewards in Discord and some zip their files.


If they continue. I am done


I mean, your art is so amazing, you don't need the vore to thrive on here , gives more options for sexy :)