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Hey guys! I just wanted to put out a quick reminder for those of you who got the new MEGA link with all the old rewards, please remember it's about to expire so if you still haven't, download the content locally or you'll lose access to it!
The new set of rewards is around the corner! only a few more days until the 5th.
Some new patrons were asking about the uncensored content, please note that I don't post it on my feed, I send it every 5th through DM. This is mentioned in the Tiers descriptions and the welcome message.
I'll also be sending milestone's rewards in the following days until the 5th.

The last pic of this term is turning out pretty good, I'll be posting the preview within the next days. Don't miss it! :)



Hey! How do we know if we got the link to the Mega download?


I joined about the time you went on vacation. I have not received the link yet. Can you please send?


Joined a few days ago, and no sign of the Welcome Pack. Did I do something wrong?


I joined in August and didn't get a link to any previous works as well


I did too but after August 5th. Presumably we get the mega link on sept 5th


The link was in your welcoming message. You can find it here: https://mega.nz/folder/R8M00b4C#nWE2T1l37YGx2ttradG2yQ


That link was sent to patrons who pledge for all the old rewards and they couldn't get them because of the DMCA issue (scroll down to see posts about it). Those of you who pledge in the past two months will get the rewards you are entitled to on the upcoming 5th, as they are always delievered.


Awesome! Thanks!


So if I pay $75 I get all your old works you ever released?


I direct messaged you but I haven't gotten any of the old rewards this 5th and I bought the $75 dollar tier July 31st.


Hi I joined in August/late July and have not received any of the old works either.


Same. I bought $75 tier, got the Welcome Pack but no links or rewards to old works. Granted, it was 11PM PST Sep 5th - if I'm not eligible until Oct 5th I'd just like to know that.


Hi Alex, in my time zone was already the 6th, that's why you didn't get the rewards this 5th. I'll make an exception since it wasn't the 6th for you yet. Please check your inbox.