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Hey there! I'm glad to bring you this update of the Jumanji interactive series!
So a few things to bear in mind before you visit the link:
You can click the start button this time, and then you'll only be able to choose the "Swamp" destination for now.
The idea is to have three different threats, or...bosses? Anyway, some of you might like one scenario better than the others, that's why I'll try to cover the most voted interests with them. Your choices will lead to different outcomes. (In this regard, I'll try to keep it as simple as possible so it won't become a neverending series)
This update comes with the corresponding HD image separately. I'll upload the preview next in another post.

Ok now just follow the link (same as before)

PS: Lots of things could be improved with enough time invested, but as I said when I started with this, the idea is to make a series with some interactivity, not an actual "game" or anything like it, otherwise this would take forever and consume much of the time I need to put into other pics/series. Still, I hope you enjoy it!
New theme coming up in the next pic! Don't miss it ;)




The production quality on this is unreal lol. Well worth the wait!

Kyri Arriaga

Amazing! I'm so pumped! Does it just go to "dance fight"/"try to reach your knife" right now?


I wonder, does this picture come with the different outfit variations like the last one? Not a big deal if not, but the underwear on the last set was amazing!


Thanks Kyri! Yes, those buttons don't lead to any continuation for now. Sorry I didn't mentioned that. Next release will continue from there :)


Hopefully with the camp option, Ruby gets lots of choices on how to best negotiate with the camp’s occupants😉


Nicely done. Looking forward to the "game over" scene with the swamp occupant ;)


This is such a fantastic idea. Eagerly watching this project!

George Baxter

Love this so much! Please continue the Ruby Roundhouse art!!


This is gonna be awesome!

Art appreciator

So far it looks amazing, if understandably unfinished. Perhaps a 'return to a previous choice' button should be added to the game and hopefully in the future the state of undress will carry over in the story. I am also intrigued about the choice between the dance or the knife; is the former supposed to be sexier/more consensual? P.S. Assuming it's a lose/win choice, perhaps adding 'enjoying the loss' option might be done as well (at least through the face edit)?


It will be more like one of them will lead to success and the other to losing a life to a terrible fate, at least in this case.


The Pit sounds very interesting. Hopefully it's a tentacle pit; I have an intense desire to see this woman wrapped up in tentacles :3


Awesome work! Third a vote for tentacles.


Well that's heckin' cool! I can't wait to see more. And Ruby is the perfect character for this

Dandy Randy

Maybe an option to take her shoes off as well for all our foot fetish folks?


A barefoot option would have me shilling out any amount of money for this <3