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Hey there guys!

After thinking about it, I've decided to pause my Patreon for July until the 5th of August. That means you won't be charged on the 1st of August, just like I did last October. And I will be taking July off. Don't panic, I will resume creating content after the 5th of August.
This is both because I could use a break, and also to attend to some personal matters.
I will also definitely use this time to find inspiration and re-charge batteries for the works to come, in that regard, I found it was quite useful last time.
So current patrons won't be charged on the 1st and any new patron that gets charged when joining will be getting the rewards of the previous term and back (depending on their Tier) on the 5th of August.

On a separated matter, some of you made me aware that the Dropbox files that I restored are missing again -.-
It's very annoying indeed, but I managed to get a response from the Dropbox team this time and I believe it should be sorted out in the next couple of days (hopefully). I'll keep you posted.
I'm also looking into other ways of delievering rewards and I'm planning on using this month to look into that in deph. I'm also considering other platforms such as OnlyFans to make my works available per-post as an alternative to subscription.

Anyway, I'm still around so don't hesitate to DM me for any inquiries you may have.
Thank you all for understanding, I'll see you later! :)



Have a good break. You need it


Take your time Ninja! You put in hard work and it shows, enjoy your break! :D


Look after yourself

Kyri Arriaga

Glad you're taking the time. Enjoy! 💛


Take care, rest and personal life are important.


This will be a sad month without Ninja's artwork. Joking aside. Take your time and have a good break Ninja. Take care!

Supreme Overlord Llama

Well have nice relaxing July and hopefully the personal matters are not stressful ones :D


Take care and enjoy! Respite and reigniting the passion is always a good thing!


I really enjoyed the recent pack of pictures! Enjoy your break, you deserve it!