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Hey there guys! I'm glad to bring you this new update of the Star Wars story. It took quite some work this one! Unlike the previous updates, I will add several of these pics as separated high res. files to this term's rewards, Possibly all of them!
So I hope you enjoy the plot twist, let me know your thoughts below :)
The last pic will also have a version with Rey's ripped clothes, I just thought it looked better this way for the preview. Also the text in that page is incomplete, so the next update will have a new version of that page.
More coming up before the 5th! Don't miss it! :D




Where can I see uncensored


I love seeing the alien predator stuff, let out the nerd, man!


Well this has certainly taken an interesting turn...I'm dead curious what fate these fine ladies are going to meet. I look forward to seeing where this goes from here.


page 1 "murderED by a gang:


Have you considered Carbonite?


Dude! The plot twist! Fuck yeah man. On the hunt for dat sweet Jedi ass! Lots of clever things going on in these pages, especially the Force lift on the 3rd page. Amazing work and solid anatomy! Can't wait to get em uncensored and high res.


I came here for porn. Now I’m just hyped for, like, the regular kind of action. But I’m assuming the Predator won’t win, because they tend to skin people, and I believe that’s outside your drawing comfort zone.


Will there be a sissoring picture without the Predator's laser pointer?


They will definitely not get skinned alive, but these two are still facing some troubles for sure.


He’s gonna hump them for sport lol


Will you provide an image only version, without text?


I’d love full size pics from pages 17 and 18.