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Should you need us...

It was a warm and quiet summer night in New England, the chirping crickets and an occasional owl’s hooting were the only sounds traveling through the air under the moonlight.
Sarah was in her room lying on her bed in her underwear. Her stepbrother Toby was already asleep and her father and stepmother had gone out for the night.
The room was just as she had left it almost a year ago. The posters on the walls, the fairy tale books, the costumes, and all her teddy bears piled up at the end of the bed and over the wall shelves. It was all so familiar and yet somehow distant in Sarah’s mind, she didn’t care for stuffed toys or her Betsy Boo doll anymore, she was a young woman now and those childish things were long forgotten. All except for Lancelot, her favorite teddy bear which still had a special place in her heart.
Coming back to all that after her first year at college was like stepping into the past, a past that seemed to melt with fantasies and dreams.
The girl got up and walked to the bookshelf. She grabbed a little red book, “The Labyrinth” was written on the cover.
Did all that really even happen?
Sarah ask herself while turning the pages of the fairy tale and remembering her adventures within the Goblin King’s labyrinth.
“If only…” She wondered.
The exams, the deadlines, the new responsibilities that came with being a young adult made Sarah long for that fantasy world for a moment. Three years had passed since her brother Toby was kidnapped by Jareth.
Oh… Jareth! Sighed the young lady as she pictured the figure of the eccentric man in her mind.
She climbed back on the bed and read the first line that caught her eye:
“…You have no power over me.” She said out loud.
“Oh, but you do…” Admitted Sarah while biting her lip.
She couldn’t see it back then, she was too worried for Toby. But as the years passed, the young woman realized just how attracted she was to her charming tormentor.
He who could make her dreams come true for the mere cost of her eternal devotion.
No, none of the boys at college was as intriguing nor as mysterious as the mighty Goblin King. Sarah put the book aside and closed her eyes as she slowly slid her hand below her pink striped panties.
take me once more,
take me away from here…
hmm…take me with you, Goblin King…”
She whispered as her fingers flirted with her clit.
“I need you…” As the words came out of her mouth Sarah suddenly felt like falling, she fell right through the bed and into complete darkness…

Hey guys!
So a patron (CrazyLace) suggested me in a comment below the last dropbox post to do something with "phantom hands" again, as I had done in an old commissioned work.
I liked the idea, and later realized it could be a nice match to depict a character I've been wanting to do for a while. This was not intended as a series though, and I'll admit that I have not thought of a complete story. So for now is a stand-alone pic. But if many of you are interested I may consider a continuation.
PS: Thanks @CrazyLace for the theme suggestion :)



Shaun Sulley

Oh my fucking god. EPIC.


Omg, beautiful Jen! Great!


Love it as a stand alone. You should do more stand alone pictures. More verity amongst the ongoing series'.


Oh my god 😂 I love this!


A stand-alone pic is good every now and then, to keep things fresh from the long series! Still, I like a serie more than a stand-alone pic, especially since you improved so much with the addition of written chapter!


Guys, that girl looks like Jennifer Connelly. 😂😂😂 Am I right?


You clrearly haven't seen "The Labyrinth". I imagined that would be the case for many, since it's quite old


This is the hardcore what most of us expected, welcome back Ninja! 😂 And please comtinue this srires, 🙏 I am looking forward to what will happen next!


Dats hawwwtttt. Sarah friend lol


Love the panty pull! Boob nabbin action looks fantastic too. I'm right there with ya Ninja, this scene deserved an erotic version. Very hot picture =D Nice descriptions in the writing! I would be interested to see where this goes.


Stand alone pics every so often sounds like a good idea, keep stuff fresh and you're not stuck drawing the same characters each month, so to speak. :D


Yes please do. You are one fantastic Artist and writer . You have mr attention


Alone pics is a good idea, so please update venom Gwen!!!


I love the phantom hands concept, would love to see something like this more often with other characters


Love this concept. Another character to consider if you want to do more of these would be Dana from the first Ghostbusters film where the hands pop out of her chair.


"She chose down!" :D Definitely keep going with this I say! Brilliant take on a classic movie!

El Melloi

Keep going please!


😮😍 I didn't know this was a thing I needed but now I definitely need more!

Mr Stealth

I must say, that image combined with the story teaser seems very promising as a stand-alone already. However, a short one time set of images with a story would be great as a secondary option. It just seems like a really great erotic fantasy concept.

Supreme Overlord Llama

This looks gorgeous! I remember this being brought before and you wanted to do it. Hell yea continue XD


Holy. Fucking. Shit. ...Yes! More please!!!! This is amazing.


Oh yes please so very much!


I am delighted with the way you bring my favorite characters to life!) Keep going! Hope somedays Agent Carter will join to the list)


I would love to see this continue. That particular scene always seemed ripe for expansion, and maybe it's just my pervert mind that made me think I saw one Helpful hand get in a grope, but this is definitely how I always imagined it going.

Joseph Czarniak

Yes. A million times yes. The net needs more labyrinth goods. Honestly I'd wager those hands would be able to keep you and sarah busy long enough to come up with a full story.

Joseph Czarniak

Nope. not just you. It's clearly unintentional and is blink and you'll miss it, but a few of the hands do land in dangerous places. We actually just rewatched the blu-ray for easter dinner and in hd it is clear as day. I mean, I know it wasn't meant as salicious and kudos for both the hands and connelly for staying professional, cause it was bound to happen.


So she's a pink striped panties person. I believe I see two fingers going inside her. I'd also like to see you try a squirting orgasm artwork, maybe as a future part for this or Elizabeth or something?


Holy crap yes! This is absolutely fantastic! Jennifer Connelly was my first crush (I know I’m aging myself) and I’d love to see more of this story. Keep up the amazing work!


This is amazing! Another 100% brilliant image. More of this please!


yes yes please!! create a new series with sarah, would love to see your take on the whole falling down into the pit of hands, or even tehn into the bog of eternal stench!




Please continue this :-)


Nice pic! :) whats her complete name?


Nice! Big fan of Snowpiercer, so this is a big win. Any chance there is going to be one where she gets penetrated? (would also love one where Wanda gets it from Vision or something else). Anyway keep up the good work!


Will I get access to this on the fifth?


Love it - really hoping you decide to continue the story


Capital stuff!


I love that movie! Please continue this one, I love where it’s going. It’s definitely an original take on it.


Where is the access?


Definitely need more of this one...

j2 mh

Absolutely gorgeous, please do more with her!


Hi Jaybird, I can see you got the message with the rewards yesterday, please check your inbox.


great stuff more labyrinth please

Robin T

Subscribed today literally just to beg for more Sarah! - this is awesome! Maybe it doesn't have to be a story but 2 or 3 key scenes (especially one with that gorgeous ballgown) Btw, don't know if anyone else noticed, but I like that her panties match Toby's onesie!

J Arco

More please. Jennifer Connelly (from the '90s) is one of the hottest women ever. Would love to see more of this or of her from Career Opportunities. Maybe she gets a little bit more friendly with her father's business partners from that movie. ;) Love your work, and can't wait to see what you do next.