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Hey Guys! 

So this is the new stuff I was anticipating, and also what I mentioned I've been cooking during my time off. As you can see it's a new "format" for series/stories that I could add as another alternative to my current stuff, should you guys like the idea. The main difference with the series I've done so far is that instead of having a sequence of illustrations that jump from one "adult content" scene to another, You would get those same "Adult pics" just as before, but they will also be included in the written story along with other (simpler) pics to help set the mood and illustrate what's going on. In this first part of this particular story the "main pic" would be the last one (Rey surrounded by the Aliens) I would add that one separately in high res to the rewards. I know it's kind of mild but as you can probably guess, the story will get hotter and more hard-core as it continues. The good news is that the secondary images don't take too long, so I can move forward with those rather fast. I would of course keep doing the "image sequence" type of series too, and the one-off pics but I feel this would be a great way to add a bit more background to certain series that may call for it. Imagine these format applied to Harry Potter for instance, showing the building-up of a hot scene among the students, or as a GOT spin-off, Jurassic World, etc.
The final product could have a cover and look like a short graphic story.

I've also considered it would be cool to make these as a "choose your own adventure" kind of tale. So I bring the story to corssroads where you can decide through polls how it continues between a few alternatives each time.  
Anyway, I really hope you like the iniciative, I'm certainly quite excited to do more of this if you do.

Please let me know in the comments what you think! :)

More coming up this term, don't miss it! 




Mmm, me likes this!


Oooh, I dig it. Like the idea of a choose your own adventure too


very cool idea and execution


Wow, this looks like a ton of work! Spectacular stuff


I super-approve this new idea! It looks like a little bit more of work for you, though.

Sergio Ayala

Rey and xenomorphs, fucking great crossover love the new format.

Anthony Adams

Hmm....Jedi vs Xenomorphs (even though i HATE what Disney did to the franchise, especially how they handed (or didn't handle) Rey's character and backstory.) this should be interesting. Though doing it this way could mean a bigger workload for you, we don't want you getting overworked again.

Supreme Overlord Llama

I love this. I am 100% on board with more comic/graphic novel style from time to time. The choose your adventure part also sounds cool. Reading the story so far, like holy if that is Darth Talon that shows up at the end.....omg I am so ready for this :D


This looks promising


I did NOT expect this at all. I'm so on board. Go Ninja! Go Ninja!

Thom Ffolkke

love it! You're HP stuff would be well served this way. And please get rid of the eating stuff.


Just when I think it can’t get any better, you continue to surprise Ninja. As long as you feel you can manage the additional work, I’m all for this!!

Joseph Czarniak

here's hoping we some facehugger and pussyhugger action


Seems Neat!


Thanks for your concern guys! I will try to deliver as much content as I confortably can each month. However, I must clear out that I may not, (and probably won't) be able to create a fully detailed image PLUS secondary images PLUS text in the same time I usually do just 1 detailed image. Much of this first pages I had already from my month off (I did some of the secondary images in my last week of vacation). So realistically speaking, each month I may deliver either one of the main pics of the story, or perhaps a few of the others plus some text OR more than that like in this case, but at the expense of taking time from some of the other pics of the month. Meaning It could be a big update in the Star Wars story and 2 more unrelated pics for example, or a small update plus 3 more pics. I may also skip a month of this story and focus on the others. It's hard to tell exactly because it depends a lot on what I'm depicting in each case, but rest assure I'll do my best.


A GOT spin off following arya (maise Williams) after the events season 8. Pirates and the sort


I love the idea of fleshing out the stories more and having a more graphic novel kind of style to them. You're quite good at writing the stories too! Even the bonus pics look beautiful, I just hope you don't create too much work for yourself.

Mr Stealth

Now this sounds like a great series. Star Wars and Alien combined with your type of content really is gonna be awesome.


Love it! Always love the stories!


I love the idea, 'sounds fun! Looking forward to seeing what you'll dish out.


Love it! Would like to see something like this in the Harry Potter or GoT Universe. But so that it makes sense and fits into the worlds. :)


This requires a lot of work put into each project. Having like 4-5 different themes each month means that anyone can pick whatever they like but this looks like one topic each time, which I honestly think is worse because part of people is always interested more or less in some themes so the content might not be interesting for them for a long time as the story takes a lot of space to tell it.


I LOVE this idea! Would most certainly love to see more of this style. I can already imagine how great it could be when applied to not only Star Wars but also Game of thrones or Lord of the rings and Harry potter. Really adds to the build up! What I wouldn't give to see a Arwen or Galadriel or Tauriel themed story like this.. very interested to see how Rey gets violated in this one as well!


I'm a fan of anticipation and build-up; so this idea is exciting and interesting. Great ideas are infinite, but time is not. Making a schedule of events to give a general idea of what your currently working on would be nice. If you move towards the mini-comic style, having only 2-3 active stories would be a good idea so certain stories aren't stagnant for a long time. Again, I think it's awesome your blending your writing and art passions together and giving us a build-up to some hot clothes rippin/strippin/body lickin action =D


This is awesome!!


I always like story with my smut, so this is great and I look forward to more stuff like this


Please tell me that Padme will join the story!


Awesome idea, awesome work, awesome pics!


I am intrigued on what happens next. Rey won't be so OP in Ninja's universe. Leia sounds like she's had experience with tentacles before. Could H.R. Giger's other creation Sil from Species show up with her nipple tentacles on this planet, who knows. I also think your Biology Essay series still has potential after it ends. Could start a new one maybe with a different creature and another consensual girl stripping down and volunteering her body for science...and the camera. Same with Padme and a different Star Wars beast in the arena (a poll could decide which Star Wars beast).


Yeah it's awesome and far more immersive !

peter jur

I love gangbangs...


Simply awesome!

peter jur

Would be great if some facehuggers have fun with her after the alien gangbang !!!


I am definitely a fan of the building of anticipation and of watching the slow reveal. So please continue. The format is great. I love graphic novels. I wish they were more common.


Sarlac:Wait! What about me? I'm starving!


Will there be larger versions of the drawings in the "comics"?


Omg this is so cool. Love the story so far


this is an amazing concept, I can't wait to see what happens next


Seriously awesome, Ninja.


Would be cool to see truth and snare and the naughty spell re-released in this fashion...much easier to enjoy when text an images are presented together .


That's not a bad idea, with some minor additions of secondary images I could give those more deph in relatively little time. I wonder if most patrons would like that. I might submit it to a poll.


Also the cover art idea is great. With the series title and a little sexy artwork teasing of what's to come next within the pages. The recent Elizabeth one with her aroused expression and the tentacle is cover art worthy for that series. That's the only thing missing for some physical prints of them.


Oooh, I'm hoping the goo they spit stick her to the wall good.


This is a brilliant idea for a format! Great work, and looking forward to it. (Really not a fan of Rey/what Disney's done with Star Wars, btw, so hopefully you keep feeling inspired to create a good mix of prequel, classic trilogy, expanded universe, and Disney!)


New here. How come the content is censored? Thanks


Hi Exquise! Thanks for joining :) Uncensored content is not posted in my feed, I send it every 5th through Patreon messages. You just need to wait 3 days and you'll get all the links in your Patreon inbox.


love this, cant wait to see more, hopefully they use rey as a breeder.


great stuff, hope to see more soon!