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Hey guys! Please read this announcement.

I've been trying to delay this as much as I could, but I really need to take a break. Those of you who have been my patrons for years know that this is the first time I announce some time off, that's not because I never took vacations before, but because every time I did (usually once a year) I would work harder the previous months to get one or two pics done beforehand so you wouldn't notice when I'm gone and you would get the same amount of pics. This time though, I haven't been able to work on any extra pics and furthermore, I've been noticing I'm working slower and barely making it in time with the four monthly pics.
It's been over a year now since I last took sime time off, so before I completely burn out and because I don't want to sacrifice quality/details in my works I decided to "Pause" my Patreon for 1 payment cycle (next 1st of November)

This means YOU WON'T BE CHARGED next 1st, and I'll be taking this month off (October). Some could argue I could have just done fewer pics and charge normally but I believe you guys deserve the best I can give, and the best value out of your support.

As of today, the next payment cycle is deactivated so don't go anywhere! you don't need to unsubscribe (I really hope you don't). I will resume the creation of new content after the next 5th of November. I will, however cease this chance to move forward with the written stories I have going (Truth or Snare, Elizabeth, Jasmine) and I'll post those within this month. I know is not great news, and I'm sorry about that. But I'm sure taking some time off will ultimately be best for all. I really appreciate your support and thank you all in advance for your understanding.



Not going anywhere. Take the time you need Ninja. You’ve got my support!


You fuckin deserve a break dude! Probably one of the most consistent in quality I've seen. Take care and stay safe Ninja!!!


no worries mate. been expecting things to tip over for a few months now, glad your taking time off :) If the stories are still continuing, any chance of Nagini? You said a while back it was on your to-do list


Take the time you need. Burning out can be the worst. Thank you for being straight forward and honest about it. I'm sure this break will bring even more life into your works.


I, for one, know how damaging it can be to go for long periods of time (multiple years) without taking any kind of significant break. Go ahead and take a break. You deserve it. We (at least most of us, I'm sure) will still be here when you get back.


Thanks Jim, I'm most certaint I'll resume my work with much more inspiration :)


As a content creator I can relate. Don't worry, your work can wait. Take time, health always first.


This has come up on a couple of my patreons from time to time and I'll say what I always tell others. Personally, I very much believe in vacation, and by vacation I mean *paid* vacation. I'm here to support your work, and as part of that I also want to support you having a healthy work life. I think you should be able to take breaks, so there could be months with little or no content and I would happily continue to support you at the rate I always support you at. So, absolutely no complaint from me about you taking a break, please, get away and enjoy some free time... if there is anywhere to get away to right now... I'll be here when you get back, and if you want to charge for the month, I'd be fine with that too as long as it's reasonable (If you took 6 months off in a row, I'd be less supportive of it... heh).


I'm new here, but I think most of us would agree, take your time!!! Clear your mind, take care of you and your family/friends! We'll be here to support you when you're ready!


Everyone need a break sometimes) take yours! Hope you will be well!


I thought that something like this was on the way. Kinda sad, but if it will help you than it's worth it! See ya in a month, Ninja!


Thanks a lot my friend, it's great to count with supporters who think that way :)


I'm glad you're taking time for you! I'm here to stay, along with many others, pal. Enjoy your vacation. Godspeed and safety to your family and you.


Well deserved to be honest mate, I'll definitely be here when you get back! Happy Holidays!


Totally fair mate. Enjoy your holiday!

Mr Stealth

You just take a long, well deserved break. Even with a slight decrease in the amount of art you delivered, the quality and enjoyment of getting it has been great. And getting burnt out definitely isn`t good. So dont you worry about us.


Good deal


Breaks and vacations are important. Love your work.


Take a break and look after yourself - see you whenever you come back!


Already been said, but I want to echo it. It has been a rough year and it's okay to take time off. You absolutely deserve it ❤️


Stay safe and healthy! Have a pleasant rest man!


It's 2020, I think everybody needs a rest this year.


If you need a break, take it. The written stories will wet our appetite in the meantime. I ordered like 50 horror movies plus more bookmarked on streaming services so I'll have a lot to watch in October.


Treat yourself!


Rest. Refresh. Recharge. And take care of yourself! You deserve a break.

U Jelly

No worries! Your work is always amazing and it's crazy how much you manage to release every month, no wonder you need some time off! Enjoy! :)

Supreme Overlord Llama

No problemo! It's important to take breaks, I have seen artist burn out before. So enjoy you're month off and be comfy :D

Joseph Czarniak

i'll forgive you as long as we get an "all the way though" tentacle in an upcoming pic. preferably regarding a one hermione granger :-P if there was ever a year that a person needed a break in, it's this one, hope you enjoy it.


You deserve a break! I'll be sticking around!