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I'll be uploading a link with the complete written story in both images and Word format.

On a side note, remember that this 5th most of you are reaching your second milestone (if you were already my patrons when they were released). If you don't know what I'm talking about please check the post pinned at the top of my feed for details!
For those who joined after that, the 1st milestone will be reached as soon as you hit 4 months of uninterrupted support, and the second and third after 8 and 12 months respectively. Just remember to let me know through PM so I can send you those rewards as well tomorrow! :D

I will go through your "old rewards" requests tomorrow as well as every 5th!




I'm bummed to see this end. Hope you'll add another series sometime in the future with her. Thanks for doing this series!


Poor Legolas got stoned while happy Tauriel got bummed. Turned out for the best. Hope there is plenty more woodened adventures for Tauriel. Awesome!


I know this series was particulary dear to you Zachariah, I was also tempted to make it longer tbh. But you should take this not as an end but as an opportunity for a new story to come along. As I said, there is still much that can be done with this franchise :)


Shame to see it end, was wondering if those spiders would show up again...


She looks like she had a good time :) Happy end!


LOVED this series Ninja! Thanks for doing it! Looking forward to any more content in Tolkien Verse. :) The gangbang content is smoking hot.


Moe lotr content would be brilliant


A return of Jurassic world / park content would also be amazing

Supreme Overlord Llama

Oh damn, sad to see this series end already since it was originally why I pledged to you as a patreon. The series was fantastic though and I for hope more Tauriel one day. That being said though I am loving all the other art as well so I can't what you do next :D


Hermione and Ginny got the win series. How about Luna and Nagini? Just an idea.