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Hey guys! I was surprised to see the majority prefered the new version of Jill Valentine, but the people has spoken so I tried to resemble that version. Also a few of you mentioned Gamma Hunter as your favourite predator and I think it's really cool, so I went for that one too. This will have a more "revealing" alternative as well of course.
Just a little longer until the rewards on the 5th!!



Supreme Overlord Llama

Your quality art with Jill just amazing. This is a wombo-combo for sure. Keep up the great work!


I...was literally just thinking about if and when this picture might be created...like, five minutes ago O.O NICE ^^ Really like the picture, Jill looks great, the...state of her wardrobe is a nice touch and the Hunter looks...really mean and disgusting (as it should :D). Although, I gotta say, after just getting through RE2 Remake a 2nd time and playing through my 2nd run of RE3 Remake...I think I'm getting tired of sewers >.<; Really great work, looking forward to whatever comes next...and to the 5th ^^


Looks great! I have to agree, the state of her clothing only makes sense given the nature of it. Very excited for the rest of this series. Here's hoping her being vored is a bit more fun than how it looks in the game (it's a bit too quick and hard to really see what's going on in my opinion).


Oh, I totally misunderstood what you were asking; I thought you were asking if we liked the original or modern COSTUME better, not Jill's facial design! I definitely prefer the tube top, but the modern face is much better!


New Jill, classic outfit, Hunter Gamma. 10/10 Ninja


Thanks Aximey! So is it Hunter Gamma or Gamma Hunter? Sorry for my ignorance in this matter >.<


I think this one will deliver more than the disappointing remake version of this "game over" ;)


Damn dude it's so well painted that it looks like its taken from a feature Movie still frame. Bravo sir, bravo. That's fucking talent. God damn it haha


¡Absolutely stunning!


Looks great, can’t wait for the 5th!


Perfection 👌


Awesome and with classic outfit for "easier access." Hope the other RE ladies get their debuts very soon. Especially the more underrated ones such as Sheva and Excella.


Ah man! Part of what made new Jill great is her new outfit. See her jeans all ripped up and getting pulled down. Street hooker outfit shows more skin I guess; which is the usual preference. I can still hope for big slimy tongue groping action! Nemesis might show up with his tentacles too...


Oh man, this is awesome. Gamma hunter is my favorite predator! Thanks so much!