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So I see some divided opinions regarding what Jill I should depict in my next RE picture so here is a poll to clear doubts about which one the majority wants. I honestly don't have apreference on this because I haven't played RE games since the very first ones in which she was little more than a bunch of pixels (I really should catch up)  So I'll let you decide :)  



The classics are classic for a reason :)


Classic Jill for the win! Hard to beat the tube top/mini skirt combo 😜


How about new Jill’s face but classic Jill’s tube top/mini skirt?


Remake Jill: Hot upclose vs Classical Jill: Hot even from a mile away

Jeff Pender

Gotta love the classics!


I like blonde RE5 Jill!


Also vote for New Jill with classic miniskirt


Maybe both. Classic Jill staring into a mirror, but New Jill is her reflection.

Joseph Czarniak

i think you missed the boat on not having a "both" option. i for one feel the the only way to decide which jill is best jill, would be to have them settle it on their own, possibly with the help of the modern drain deimos. the outfit makes not the jill and if they didn't look like two, totally equally hot ladies in the face, i'd have an easier time deciding. so yeah. i humbly suggest cat fight between them, ending in a win for all of us as one or more monsters get the better of them both. i will link to what you're missing, as in the intervening years resident evil has seen the addition of more, rather than less fetish fuel than you might thing for a mainstream game series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5V4LxeSSWE


New Jill in a miniskirt does sound good...

Farlun Ceyric

New Jill but the old outfit, win/win.


I'll let the fans of the RE saga decide since I never played them and both versions are quite unknown to me.


What about brain washed RE5 Jill?


I’d love to see new Jill & new Claire together, either doing some lesbian stuff or both of them getting railed by Mr. X and Nemesis


New all t


New Jill all the way.


I like both


or if we’re going wild here, maybe some futa action😏


Either Jill works for me, but I'd definitely prefer the classic outfit.