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Hey guys! You can see the full preview of this at my Deviantart and Pixiv Gallery. I'll add it to my site as well as the rest of this term's pics shortly!
I know Truth or Snare and Jasmine  got more votes in the last poll, but since I've been working on those lately I decided to give a slot this term to the very close runner up Trash Compactor series!
I'll be catching up with the Tauriel story next!




I love seeing this Mary Sue failing at something.. She should do it more it looks better than her constant "surprise" face in rise of skywalker.


Ooooh! Tell me this serie will have one final part.


Perfect mating press position too!


Very nice! I would love to see one more part in this, but it seems to end here. Or at least her being devoured, llike between parts two and three as the story made a huge progress in one picture.


The facial expressions you draw really sell these images to me.


I envy you man. I'd give anything to have your artistic talents.


Wow, never thought I'd like Rey in anything. Turns out I like her inside something, instead.


Anything? Then start right here and now to draw. It will take a long long time, but you will get good and it will get easier eventually as long as you focus on improving.


Wow, amazing! Just saw it on Pixiv and I love her expression in particular! Given you do some variations occasionally with pubic hair and various fluids, is there any chance of one with some red marks as a result of the stomach acid? Nothing too extreme because I know that's not something you feel comfortable with, but maybe something like the dirt marks on Lara in your previous post but red?

Johnny Ringo

The expressions are always fantastic. This is great work. I can’t wait for more, and especially more of Tauriel. I’m hooked on her story.


Awesome. Iden Versio, Bastila Shan, Doctor Aphra as future Star Wars possibilities? Krayt Dragon for Bastilia. Chelli already did have an encounter with a Bor in the comics.


Looking forward to reading the updated Tauriel story!


Awesome was so looking forward this series. Rey taking out the trash is deliciously sweet. You mentioned previously about Patrons becoming a Patreon creator. I have started as a Patreon creating adult theme fantasy, sci-fi and horror with a bit more of the dark side. I try creating realistic adult art. Thank you.

Supreme Overlord Llama

Whoa! Love the full image and the position Rey is in is fantastic :D


I’d love to see Rey (or another SW girl) vs a Wyyyschokk from Fallen Order!


Will there be another before the 5th?


Very nice, I'd love more parts in this series


Man, this series keeps getting better, I love, well, everything. Her pose and expression are among the best ever, the angle is great and it's delightful how cramped and slimy the place is :) Like some of the other commenters, I would love to see more parts, but at the same time, I wouldn't know where this could go without getting somewhat violent (not that I would mind), so this might just be the perfect finale. And, hey, while this probably means Rey's remains will end up in the trash somewhere, the Emperor still kind of loses, so I guess it's a...bittersweet end? ^^;