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It would seem Rey has fallen into the dark side of the force and she has a preference for twi'leks as preys ;)
I know! I have other Star Wars themed series to finish, but I felt like a "Dark Rey" could be an interesting concept for a stand alone pic, specially with the upcoming release of Star Wars 9. Let me know what you guys think!
Rewards are almost here!! just a little longer until the 5th!! :D




Very very nice! Still love the stuff you do.


I see you’ve dialed back on her breast size a bit. Looks good, closer to the actress

Nick Deperto

oh my God yessss!!!!!! I love your yuri pics, by far my favorite genre!


Very nice! Can we have a version with Rey's face more similar to the classic too?


Nice pic! But sad to say as a former super Star Wars fan, I am as excited to see episode 9 as I am to have perfectly good teeth yanked out of my head without anesthesia 😢


Not a personal favorite but still a fun one! Like someone mentioned above, it seems you took to heart some of the comments about breast size! Loving the smaller, more accurate, look to hers! Here's hoping for more of that in the future!


I'm not too excited about the face tattoo or the hair style. However, I do like the general idea. And, despite the two features I don't like, still an excellent piece of work.


I love it. I always thought the one companion in the Star Wars Old Republic MMO you could turn to the Sith would make great art since she's clearly into BDSM as a sub.


I concur with the above comment about making her head a bit more like classic Rey, but still good work Ninja. :)


Well I understand classic rey's face can be more appelling, but dark siders tend to be a lot more fucked up than this, I tried to make just slight changes to her usual look.


love it!


I like that recently you're matching characters with their canonical breast size and whatnot as opposed to more "perfect" body types. Really helps make it feel more believable. Great work as always! Can't wait to see whats next! Like the concept!


I would love to see a continuation of this, maybe Rey railing those Twi'leks with a strapon


I'm gonna parrot some of what I've seen in other comments....love that the breast size is more akin to the actress and can honestly say I'm dying to see more of Rey (dark side or not, I don't care lol). Personally, I think you stayed pretty reserved considering that most dark siders.....well, as you say are WAY more fucked up looking than that. Overall, KILLER!


Love the twi'leks


Same, I kind of project a little of that hate on Rey (Not the actress who plays her) in these pics in seeing her actually failing and afraid.


Fantastic job as always!


I agree with others as well on the realistic breast size issue, that being said I still can't believe how good you are this.. You have an amazing talent and am very happy you use it for "evil" ;) lol


Agreed. Don't get me wrong, idealised bodies are great, but seeing something a little more in line with the character is fantastic too.


Fantastic work! Never going to complain about more Rey art lol


Realism for the win!


I hope you continue with a series on this one!


Question: Is Rey in the trash compactor just two pieces or is it going to be three like your other series? Dominant Rey is great, but Rey getting dominated is even better. :)


Amazing work! Looking good on the dark side.


Lovely art but I prefer some vore :) If this gets in some way flipped and Dark Rey gets dominated I'm all for it. Maybe Darth Talon (?) in the back could help?


Everyone had a thing for Twi'Leks at some point ;)


Love the bondage elements in this one!




Her outfit is really damn cool too


Well that's one I didn't see coming! :D But I gotta say I really like this one. I mean twi'leks in peril is always nice to see, but I think you 'dark Rey' looks really cool, too. Well, I do have to echo what others have said, I do like 'classic' Rey a bit more, but this is different and awesome in it's own way, and that's always a plus ^^ Oh, same goes for the breast size thing, I like'm in all sizes and I don't mind adjusting a bit more to the actresses actual physique :) Great work, as usual :D Now, I wouldn't mind seeing good Rey in peril again, soon, either. Or Oola, or...Leia...or...or...or... ;D


How am I supposed to see the non watermarked photos?


If you pledged at least 10$ before the 5th of december, Ninja should have sent you a message on patreon with a link to download the pics.


Ninja, I don't know if you've seen the new movie yet, but there's a scene in a cave that is begging for your adaption :P

dilbert firestorm

its removed. what's wrong with this image???? i haven't been following this site for awhile....




Hey, how can I see the old uncensored pics ? I just joined the 75$ tier 😕

Darkside J

Need more of Dark Rey, awesome work 🔥💯