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Was Ginny paying enough attention at the Defence Against the Dark Arts class? We'll see...
Only 2 more parts to this series!! I will also write 1 or 2 more chapters to better describe what happens in this exciting finale! :)

I will be posting a new "themes/categories" poll soon, to have an updated feed of what you guys want to see more of!
Still more coming up for this term! Don't miss it




Mmmmm, gimme that Text version too.


Fuck Yeah


Ginny is just... Yes! Great artwork Ninja, and we've got some vore too. I'm looking forward to seeing what Luna is up to. ;)




Engorgio Phallum! Oops, sorry wrong spell.


Nice!!! Was hoping to see one of those tentacles go “all the way through” one of them.


You just keep topping yourself with this series. Love it..


Excellent series!


Looks good, but no Luna :-( I hope she will get some love in HP comics later ;-)


Loving it! Back to the book with em!


I love how Hermione has gone from a quick-witted, fast-acting witch to a broken and traumatized young woman on the verge of a terrible end. And Ginny, mmm mmm mmm! (Seriously though, Gin, put down the wand. It's not going to help.)

Anthony Adams

Yeah, that wand ain't gonna help her, or the others. :P I'm guessing Hermione is the one behind Ginny or the one on the right? I don't see Luna tho.


Thanks Jim! Luna was left out of frame in this one, but will have a more protagonic part in the next one


Thanks Slim!, you can still get them through the old reward system though ;)


She will be quite visible in the next part, and there will be more Luna in future series for sure ;)


Thanks Dash!, That was the concept I was trying to convey, I'm glad it shows. There is a certain beauty in her efforts though isn't there?


Yes, Hermione is behind Ginny, I thought it was quite clear though. maybe not >.< Luna is out of frame in this one.


I love the look of absolute terror in Cho and Hermione's faces. Fantastic work!


Dont see this ending well for our young witches. With Cho already devoured, I doubt poor Ginny can fight this monster off on her own. Cant wait to see how these 4 end up spending the rest of eternity, pressed together in the stomach of this monster? Excited to find out!


Best would be if no girl survived~ But especially little slutty Luna


With only 2 more parts to this story, I can't see how we will witness all 4 going into this monster. Unless Ninjartist can be persuaded to add more parts!


Either way, it is remarkable work.


tbh the harry potter and disney stuff is the reason im here xD


Another incredible image composition! Hermione and Luna are in no mental state to try anything to save themselves, while concerning Cho... well, the picture speaks for itself XD Which leaves only Ginny ...who is already "stimulated" by one adventurous tentacle. Needless to say, the tentacle dude will win 4 to 0 :P Well, at least those 4 beauties will be together for Eternity :D

Rompe Himself

Awww damn, I was hoping Luna would be getting the loving tentacle treatment after missing out for the past few pics. Aww well, see how this pans out.


Would love an alternate ending where there is some oviposition inside the monster