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Just a preview of the NSFW version of Samus that you'll be receiving on the 5th! :)




Nice ! Will there be versions with her face visible ? :)


Wow. Just wow.


Love how the suit's still hugging her skin though I can't see it staying on for much longer. Also how many parts will this one have? Just wondering :D


Like I said before, fantastic work with her positioning! I think this is one of your best terms yet. :D


Love how you can make out the horrified expression on her face.


Would like to see the monster swallowing her from the feet first.


Love the ripped clothes variants, feels much sexier than plain nudity.


Has... Has ninja ever done a feet first piece? Ninja, have you?! If not, get on it, please! :D


Love the body detail, love the fear/screaming expression, love the teeth drawing blood. Can’t wait to see more. Get ready for a unpleasant ride Samus


Since some are asking for feet first vore how about some tremors vore art? I remember that one scene in tremors 1 where the girl has to take off her pants to get free from the creature. That could work for a feet first vore project. You know just this time she doesn't get away.


Oh I loved the first tremors movie, I saw all the rest too but they weren't as good. I even heard they were filming a series for SyFy with the original actor Kevin Bacon. It seems they filmed the pilot and then decided to cancel the project, too bad. Anyway I think I should do a Tremors pic, yes. They have it all, big mouths, tentacles, and they could swallow a sexy lady hole. Thanks for the idea Mike! :D