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Which of this scenes would you like to see as a series first?? (The second most voted will be done afterwards) 



Definitely Leia and Jabba! That's probably one of my favorite scenarios that could have happened, but never did!


Rey and Rathtar!


Jabba yo


Leia, go with the classic!


We need more love for the nonhuman girls :P But whatever gets voted, I'm definetly on board!


Seeing these all together, I’m just noticing now that the Leia pic looks different than the others; the face seems fuzzier or something.


padme and the nexu!!!!


Definitely Leia & Jabba. Time to find out why Oola preferred to sleep with the Rancors rather than snoo-snoo with everybody's favorite mafia space-slug. I also noticed some odd fuzziness to Leia's face in the current pic.


I'd prefer Oola and the Rancor. Twi'leks 4 life


Oola. The only boob to appear in the OT is seriously under-valued!


That was probably because when making this image I used the HD version for the others and then shrinked them, and It seems I used the low res for the leia one. It's fixed now.


i suppose you'd still be doing the other runner ups in the long run after doing the top 2 people's choices ?


Come on people!! It's Leia and Jabba with Padme as runner up! It's not a hard decision!!!


Can I make a suggestion for a separate vore thing? ...Monster Hunter: World just seems like it almost would be a vore game if it wasn't a mainstream AAA release. It's kind of begging for the Ninjartist treatment. Maybe... the adorable Handler? Getting eaten by...damn near anything in the game? (The Great Jagras does canonically swallow its prey whole, but there's any number of things that could make a bad end for the Handler.)


I must admit that I'm surprised about the results so far, I didn't expect this outcome. I will most likely do the others as well. Maybe some with more parts than others but still. Padme and Jyn are really close right now for the second place for example and I wouldn't like so many patrons frustrated. With patience, you'll all get to see your favourite SW damsels in distress. :)


Bet you thought the rancor would win ;)

Shayde Nightwolf

I for one thought something like that. Oola needs more love, but if perhaps we'll get to see them all in the end, then I'm happy with that too. They're all too good to pass up. :)


So happy to see Rey so far in the lead :) All of them are fantastic options but I don't think Rey gets enough R34 love. ESPECIALLY of the vore kind! Very excited to see what's next for her!


This should definitely be called either Star Vore or Vore Wars...


A little sad Oola isn’t doing better, it’s how my young impressionable self discovered my interest in peril and vore


Well personally I'm more attracted to the other characters so that's why I voted that way


I voted for Rey, but very pleased the runner up is looking to be Padme. Can't wait to see what the Nexu does to her!


I want to see the chick from army of darkness


While Oola is my favorite and always will hold a special place in my heart - a special place where she gets eaten by a Rancor of course - I wouldn't mind seeing either of those continued. If there is a chance for seeing all of them - I have patience to spare :D Gotta give it to the women of Star Wars, they make really good food for alien monstrosities :) I am surprsied Rey is taking such a strong lead, while I was rooting for Oola myself, I would have bet money on Leia coming out on top. Maybe I am just getting old and Original Trilogy is too yesteryear (o.o);


Yes I have to agree with you Jedah, I also thought Leia & Jabba was going to lead this poll. Not sure if it would have been my first choice, but I thought it was going to be the majority's. Something is certaint though, I'm gonna have a lot of fun making this series XD. I hope you guys enjoy them too.