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SFW preview! Hope you guys like it :)
I switched to an horizontal canvas to fit the elements better.
Much more coming up before the end of the term, Don't miss it!




Such a fine artwork. Applause to you sir. Now lets wait for the Rey art thingie


That is the best Oola I have seen in a long time. Amazing body-work, NA. Makes me wish there was just a pic by you of her dancing across a stage. Also, Femi Taylor is still a f*cking fox, green or black: <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=Femi+Taylor&amp;client=firefox-b&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjyjvuWsbfcAhUFLFAKHSNNCVUQ_AUICigB&amp;biw=1525&amp;bih=716" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/search?q=Femi+Taylor&amp;client=firefox-b&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjyjvuWsbfcAhUFLFAKHSNNCVUQ_AUICigB&amp;biw=1525&amp;bih=716</a>#imgdii=08vNwzo-Xnt7TM:&amp;imgrc=Vj_nBtgNnP30yM:


Hi I’m a new patron and I got the tier two reward. What am I able to choose?

Beau Davis

Amazing and very cool.


Hi! Please read the FAQ at the top of the page. Send me a PM if you have any further doubts! :)


Oola la! (I had to do the pun)


About as classic as peril gets, really well done.

Shayde Nightwolf

Nice! Always been a fan of Oola. Can't wait to see more of this one, or a high res version if or when possible.


It's a damn shame they cut this scene out in the movie. Would have loved to see the dance in the grip of the dreaded Rancor. Awesome work as always. You never disappoint.


This really is quite awesome - I'm still amazed that you actually did an Oola picture. This scene has such a special place in my heart, seeing a version of it by such a great artist really fills my heart with joy. I would certainly love to see this continued, although, if I have 'Tales from Jabba's Palace' correctly memorized, this would get rather violent. :) Anyway, three thumbs up!


Thanks Jedah! it fills my heart with joy to know that this means so much to you. Its really gratifying. I had a lot of fun making it too :)


Did you ever do a NSFW version of that one?