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Hey there!! Thanks for another month of your inconditional support guys, You are the best! and so I'll try to make the best stuff for you too.

This new term a lot of exciting things coming up like the ending of the Korra set, a new Star Wars scene, a bonus pic of the Ginny set (as many of you requested) a dakimakura piece of Khaleesi from GOT.
Red Sonja
keeps getting herself in troubles and much more!

Also I wanted to share with you something I've been planning to do for a while now: animated scenes!
As I catch up with the last of my pending commissions, I'll have some extra time to try out this new concept which I think can be promising. Let me know if you guys like the idea :)



will the hermione-aragog set be just two pics then ?


no, there will be yet one more. 3 parts


Like the sound of the animated scenes! Big thumbs up here 👍


I'm loving your work. Thanks for the great pictures.


I absolutely love the idea of animated scenes! My only concern is that they will wind up behind a paywall that some (most?) of us can't afford (But I'm sure would if we could!). Obviously animated work takes 1000x more time than static drawing and you clearly deserve all the support you can get but, as a lowly $10 patron I ask... Don't forget the little guy?


Hey Dashrendar23! Nothing to worry about, the animated scenes would be part of the standard $10+ NSFW rewards, no extra money needed there, is just something extra that I want to give you guys :)


NA, You are still warping my fetishes. Please continue. Also, do I need to do anything else to be on the current term's reward pack, scheduled for the 5th of June? I do not use Patreon much. -Maskedmarmoset