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(XL Version attached!)

Who’s this Sexy black kitty!? <3

Presenting the new “Black Minx” !!

No, this isn’t a new character or a Minx alternative / doppelgĂ€nger.. This IS THE NEW MINX and is probably the simplest yet most drastic change I have made to her design yet! After some debate with friends I have decided to roll with this despite being so far down the line with the character.. Like why am I doing this just now??? Because I fucking can biaaatccch! >:3 ...

Take it as you will.. I know some people ain’t gonna be down with it but let me explain! =3=

Long story short I have NEVER been satisfied with Minx’s character design.. Something about her always threw me off and whilst clothing and hair styles have been tinkered with time and time again over the years (Practically every illustration =3=’’) I think I now know what was really throwing me off all along and I never really wanted to tackle it... Grey!

Grey is boring! Easy, but boring! When I first conceptualized Minx in my head she was supposed to be a Black cat from the very start. (As black kitties are my favourite kind! uwu) However due to my inexperience with art (Talking 2010 days) I could never quite get the shade of fur to work.. Probably because I was using something closer to jet black and not dark grey like a fucking noob.. Thankgod I never posted that artwork >W>

But yeah, Black fur is just sexier and more appealing to me for various reasons... There’s more to work with in context such as black cats being regarded as mysterious and mischievous due to folklore. Plus I have always been a fan of Anubis (The Egyptian Jackal god) who is always depicted sporting jet black fur/skin.. (Actually he’s really fucking hot uuggghhghg) Also I’m no bondage guy but black with blotches of shine like this makes me think of latex or leather? in a way.. AND THAT’S AYYYOKAYYYANYWAY the point is I LOVE black! She looks almost like a vampire or something aaaaaa! <3

As a side note. I know this is just an edit of older artwork but I couldn’t be bothered / didn’t really have time to make a completely new picture so forgive me! XD I feel like I would have changed more aspects of her design had I rolled with the former but I think this gets the point across for now and that’s all I really wanted to do! Also I am aware she may look different on certain monitors.. She looked a lot darker on my cintiq compared to my laptop screen for example.. I decided to roll with how she looked best on my laptop -w-’ ..I will probably make her just a little bit lighter just to be safe but bare with me for now..

Anyway now I can say with 100% confidence and pride Minx has a legitimate BIG BLACK BOOTY! >;)

Let me know what you think guys! Feedback is especially appreciated on updates like this.




Black is Best


It's your character, no rules about it


I am all about this. Full speed ahead.


And isn't she technically a black girl too? So it makes more sense.

Papa Ikari

Love it all


Once you go black, you never go back! Can't wait to see that big black booty in action! &lt;3


kinda makes some of the detail hard to make out... but other than that, neat.


Ooh nice! Might there be an XXL version in the future?